enough light for one plant


Active Member
allright well i brought my girl inside from the elements for a few days till the rain subsides ive got her under a window along with a 7200 k 14 w cfl will this light along with the light from outside be sufficient light for flowering? she is about a week or 2 into flowering any and all guidance is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
14 watts is not good enough and nor is the light from your window good enough to give you fat buds, sorrry but thats my opinion,


Active Member
thanks for the insight.... this is my first grow and im in the experimental stages right now ... she is usually a fulltime outdoors plant but with all this rain we are getting i thought it better to bring her inside out of the elements


Active Member
no pics i dont have a camera but i live in the se usa and we are dealing with tropical storm faye down here projected rainfall today only is 3 inches


Active Member
like i said this is really just an experiment for me its my first grow and anything i get will be good enough for me im hoping for a high yield but a low would be great for me as well lol