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Active Member
I can try and help! :) i think it's good if your screen is adjustable, you want it at a level that is easy to control, and allow the lower growth to come up, height is not soo much important with the screen until you flower really in my opinion. My first net is to hold the plant down, and the new shoots, once long enough, i tuck under the first square i can, and so forth, you will find a happy medium as you work with her, i'm learning now some plants don't like to bend like others! and making my scrogging a little more difficult. you can always add a second screen if in doubt to restrict her growth even more. My second net which will go in shortly just supports my main colas, my grow is kinda different to that of yours F.M i like my plant to grow high, but still scrog, i don't have reason why, it's just all i know really, it works great.
have fun!
+1 moveable, how to obtain it in a tent is to cable tie the net to the poles, "Photo above" that holds it in place but can also be moved up/down when needed. Also remember you,ll have to fit under it at some point :) asuming your using a tent ? atb Tcd


Well-Known Member
+1 moveable, how to obtain it in a tent is to cable tie the net to the poles, "Photo above" that holds it in place but can also be moved up/down when needed. Also remember you,ll have to fit under it at some point :) asuming your using a tent ? atb Tcd
yeah cable ties are good, i put gaf tape on the tent poles to stop it slipping...

i still support big colas, my net isn't the greatest for support, and needs to be pulled tight in numerous areas, plus i cut a hole in a corner to slide the tower fan up....little tricky, the only way for me to get around my plant is to unwrap half the tent :( or get my little mrs in there on her hands and knees. fuckin hard with that massive pot in the middle..a few drawbacks of my tent :( a new one on the way....recommendations welcome. the Jardin Tents look great, more access, and from both sides.....


Active Member

  • az med grow 1000 watt scrog update day 3 flower

    Day 25!Just switched to flower 2 and a half days ago, fed all plants with quarter strength nutes as follows...AN iguana bloom,FF kangaroots bushdoctor,b52, voodoo,bud candy,hygrozyme,and foilar fed with humbolts snow storm ultra, the ladies are loving life! Im training daily and really staying on top of filling my screen, which looks like isnt going to be hard,these girls are taking off! Switched to flower when screen was 50 percent full which was good timing im hoping, they are growing really fast.I tied the screen so its adjustable, which really helps with placement,and ive tied down a few of the more vigorous tops like the mr nice, look at that thing! its nuts! its the really thick leaved indica in the first and fourth pic,and its my most vigorous! I will be giving distilled water and hygrozyme between feeding and trying to keep nutes low to avoid burn. Ill keep you guys posted any questions or advice are appreciated!



Active Member
yeah cable ties are good, i put gaf tape on the tent poles to stop it slipping...

i still support big colas, my net isn't the greatest for support, and needs to be pulled tight in numerous areas, plus i cut a hole in a corner to slide the tower fan up....little tricky, the only way for me to get around my plant is to unwrap half the tent :( or get my little mrs in there on her hands and knees. fuckin hard with that massive pot in the middle..a few drawbacks of my tent :( a new one on the way....recommendations welcome. the Jardin Tents look great, more access, and from both sides.....
I was thinking the exact same, i was having a look at some earlier there,s ones called the green room they are in a difrent class to the sj i,ve seen both and there,s no doudt of quality, have a look at the frame for example and the diamond mylar there normaly £200 but worth it imo ? well worth a look. atb Tcd

Decepticon i can,t wait to see the end either budy :), i,m expecting them to start packing on weight now with the heavies it has a npk of 0-40-23 very,very simmilar to shooting powder basicly another massive potasiam and phosphorous booster without the price tag atb Tcd ?


Well-Known Member
All SCRoGs looking dope!!! I veg in a tent and flower in my garage. It will all be done by next weekend, I cant wait.

Peace and have a great SCRoGin Weekend!!! I am baked



Well-Known Member
I was thinking the exact same, i was having a look at some earlier there,s ones called the green room they are in a difrent class to the sj i,ve seen both and there,s no doudt of quality, have a look at the frame for example and the diamond mylar there normaly £200 but worth it imo ? well worth a look. atb Tcd

Decepticon i can,t wait to see the end either budy :), i,m expecting them to start packing on weight now with the heavies it has a npk of 0-40-23 very,very simmilar to shooting powder basicly another massive potasiam and phosphorous booster without the price tag atb Tcd ?
had a squiz, they look very similar to the secret jardin tents, for the price, i assume good quality, and good feedback, seeing the double lining on the inside of the doors impresses me, extra help for darkness, love the side opening to, i could get used to that for sure

something to look into future wise.......some research needed ofcourse


New Member
hey all give you all a update on my scrog just transplanted 5 of them into 24 gallon pots 11 more to go :)) vegging under flourescents goal is 16 plant 20 pound harvest flowering will be 10,000 watts of power will fire up 5000 watts end of august goal is to transplant into 50 gallon pots 2 weeks prior to flowering will have about 6 months total veg time plants should exceed 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide



Active Member
hey all give you all a update on my scrog just transplanted 5 of them into 24 gallon pots 11 more to go :)) vegging under flourescents goal is 16 plant 20 pound harvest flowering will be 10,000 watts of power will fire up 5000 watts end of august goal is to transplant into 50 gallon pots 2 weeks prior to flowering will have about 6 months total veg time plants should exceed 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide
What lighting were you using to get they lovely huge colas and what does your 5 and 10k lighting consist of ? 6 months veg do you realise what dimentions it will grow to in that time atb Tcd

you could almost swing on its frame that,s what i 1st noticed about it it,s, over an inch in dia. :)


Active Member
Awesome pics guys, absolutely fantastic! Hey TCD! your grow is looking immense!!!! Thanks for the kind words and decepticon I really want to see your outdoor grow blossom!! I'll be keeping an eye on that for sure!


New Member
What lighting were you using to get they lovely huge colas and what does your 5 and 10k lighting consist of ? 6 months veg do you realise what dimentions it will grow to in that time atb Tcd

you could almost swing on its frame that,s what i 1st noticed about it it,s, over an inch in dia. :)
the huge colas were from a 2000 watt 4 plant grow i got 4 pounds out of vegged for 41 days then flowered i used hordilux super blue that's mh and hps in one bulb
This grow it will be a mixture of hordilux super HPS with the super blue as well as some MH lighting in there 1000 watts per 2 plants
This go around i i will just veg with flourecent power as i am into summer these plants were cloned in middle of march and plans are to veg them till end of august when the real power comes on so plants will still grow but not at a crazy rate



New Member
damn man those are some nice ladies lighting...what nutes and soil do you use?
As for soil i pretty much make my own using sand,m organic soil peatmoss, sheep manure, sea compost for food i use a line called optimum hydroponic plant food , also i use humix and fulvix, SuperBmax, calmag, also jurrasic bloom enhancer like - 0 -33- 54 6 grams added per 20 liters appears to be working really well


Well-Known Member
day 2 flowering!

my second net is in place for support of my main colas.... now i just gotta wait :) and yes preflowers are existent.



Active Member
What,s this shit about spreading rep around before adding to someone again. Imo peeps either deserve rep points or don,t that includes whoever who might deserve rep points consecutively. why should you have to give rep points ? whinging over for now TCD


Well-Known Member
What,s this shit about spreading rep around before adding to someone again. Imo peeps either deserve rep points or don,t that includes whoever who might deserve rep points consecutively. why should you have to give rep points ? whinging over for now TCD
It's ok Trich! I like it aswell ;) i just can't stop looking at her