Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Active Member
Nice Teddie, Also wanted to tell you great job on your grow journal! Lots of great stuff in there! Also how many days after your went 12/12 did your plants stop streching? I just went 12/12 and I hear to keep training for another 3 weeks or so because its a sativa dom plant. What do ya think?


this is my first tent/scrog medical grow. this thread has sold me on the idea of a scrog, due to plant limits. currently running,

1000w mh/hps dual arc hortilux
6" canfan on carbon filter pulling fresh air threw from the vents in bottom of the tent
6" can fan to exhaust light heat out of room
3 gallon square pots
foxfarm ocean forest soil with earth juice nutes (all organic grow)

i made my own screen by stringing steel gauge wire around the perimeter, then took stiring and tied and wove my own net. took aprox 45 min. used string instead of wire screen for ease of harvest. if plants ripen at different times i can untie the strings holding the one plant, take it out and retie the strings.

any suggestions would be appreciated for this is my first tent/scrog grow.



Well-Known Member
Only thing I would change is have the carbon filter line exhausting from the top outlets on the tent (fan and carbon filter placed at the top). Tents work best with negative air pressure, and exhausting from the top of the grow will maximise heat exchange.

Good luck!


that is how it is set up. the filter has its own fan that vents out the top, drawing the air from the bottom to the top. the light has a seperate fan that draws air in from outside the room and vents it out the other side.



Active Member
Damn Curtis, no stretch, no kidding... its a jungle, I like it.... I would rather see overgrown jungles than sparse fields..... I see some people say they scrog but in reality the screen isnt filled at all and no training was done to fill it in.. Like the plant just grew straight up through the screen.... bet your yield will be very nice...


Well-Known Member
hello growers, how tall do you let your plants grow befor you put your screen in the grow room? i'm growing chocolope this will be my first scrog thanks for your help
Depends on how high you are going to set your screen. I would want my screen in place by the time my plants were a few inches taller than my screen height is going to be. If you are going to set your screen 10 inches high, have it there by the time your girls are 12"-15", with some kind of pre-training/topping done. I had my screen on early and didn't fight it too bad.


Well-Known Member
ok i think i understand. just to be clear, i can let the plants grow to 12 inches and place the screen over them, next push the screen down to 10 inches. but make sure i have already started topping and training them befor i put the screen in.
what time frame we looking at to fill the screen befor flowering? and what do you think about the use of a display rack? i can get it for free. its made out of steel.
Damn Curtis, no stretch, no kidding... its a jungle, I like it.... I would rather see overgrown jungles than sparse fields..... I see some people say they scrog but in reality the screen isnt filled at all and no training was done to fill it in.. Like the plant just grew straight up through the screen.... bet your yield will be very nice...
Screen is level with bottom of 2x4. Stopped training due to full screen less than two weeks into flowering.
View attachment 1385775



Active Member
What type of training did you do to make all those branches? I top, and fim, but I dont get all those branches comming of the main stem like yours.
jojo, I don't think you would HAVE to let plants grow to 12"-15" before adding screen. Just be sure its in place BY then, so you don't fight the pants trying to train them back under. It may be easier to train with out the screen there, that is the only reason I can see for not having the screen in place from the start. I could be wrong, I really don't have much experience, just my thinking. Display racks seems a little skinny, I would want at least 2"x2".

That screen is 3.5'x3', it was about 80% full after 3 weeks in veg, when I switched. Was full less than two weeks later. 4 plants under 1000w with CO2 and aero/dwc.... I did let them grow till they had at least 4 sets of nodes, and topped off two sets, like half the plant, sounds scary I know. Other than that, just trained like the rest of you scroggers.