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Well-Known Member
its pretty nice weather here, im not sure when itll start to flower i believe it has started some what now due to the crazy stretch, lime green color the tops get when flowering starts, and the preflowers that are showing so soon, probably got another month n a half to go

yeah im no longer training her i ran out of holes to put tops threw lol there is a lot 2 in 1 going on as it is its crazy how fast shit happened

drgreen i dont know what i would do if i had a big bush like that goin on lol

thanks everything tbh this is my first real go at outdoor growing lol + outdoor scrog


Well-Known Member
its pretty nice weather here, im not sure when itll start to flower i believe it has started some what now due to the crazy stretch, lime green color the tops get when flowering starts, and the preflowers that are showing so soon, probably got another month n a half to go

yeah im no longer training her i ran out of holes to put tops threw lol there is a lot 2 in 1 going on as it is its crazy how fast shit happened

drgreen i dont know what i would do if i had a big bush like that goin on lol

thanks everything tbh this is my first real go at outdoor growing lol + outdoor scrog
It feels good knowing that I am not the only one as a 1st time outdoor grow + outdoor scrog.


New Member
Plants look good man. If you have fungus gnats, don't hang the traps up high. Instead, place them on the floor around your plants or at the base of the stems if you can. This is where these little bastards spend all of their time. Also, I have heard that topping off your containers with an inch or two of play sand will prevent any more larvae from hatching, but I haven't tried it.
best way to get rid of gnats is cedar mulch place it on top of your soil 2 - 3 " life will be great


Active Member
A light level of pumice on the soil surface with a neem oil drench! The pumice will scrape the shit out of their bodies opening up for infection then death, the neem oil for the eggs/adults.


Active Member
100_0239.jpg100_0282.jpgiv been LSTing them for a month not their starting to really bush up im going toput up a screen soon when is a good hight im runnin ak48


Active Member
thanks for the likes and rep guys! thats Nirvana's PPP grown from 4 clones that i took from mother plants. Vegged for 95 days, and flowered for 63 days. Smells like lemon pinesol almost, when you crack open a bud it almost smells fuely. When you smoke it you taste most pine with a slight lemon undertone. High is very uplifting. Clear thoughts and plenty of energy.


hi All,

could do with a bit of help,

Will it recover from the breakage?

How are they looking?

Am i doing the right thing for a SCROG?braekage.jpghow are they looking.jpgis this right.jpg

Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
Also how far of the tops should I position my 600 HPS light.
if you've got a digital ballast you might consider switching your bulb to mh during veg; not saying its necessary, just check out the lit. on PAR PUR and light spectrum if you're interested.

be easy


Active Member
My final results from my Multi-Strain, Multi net SCROG ;

At this stage after 3 days of drying, it is looking like it will exceed my expectation marginally being just over 2 pound, not bad from 1 x 600w.


Active Member
[420]Haze;7526326 said:
My final results from my Multi-Strain, Multi net SCROG ;

At this stage after 3 days of drying, it is looking like it will exceed my expectation marginally being just over 2 pound, not bad from 1 x 600w.
effin badass bro! If you yeilded 2 pounds off a 6 how do u think ill do with a 1000. I was shooting for two pounds. Howd youd get 2 p off one sixer?Thats amazing!


Well-Known Member
just about to drop the net on my sour cream ;).................................[video=youtube;w7dSq9zooh0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7dSq9zooh0[/video]


Active Member
Ok I have a few questions, I'm going to be starting a scrog in a week or so and I was wondering a few things?
First my setup will be 1 600w hps, an 1 400w hps for flower an the same for veg except mh instead of hps. I'll be in 3 gal pots

1. How big of a screen for the lights I'm using?

2. How many plants should I run?

3. How high off the top of the pots should the screen be?

4. Any tips for a beginner scroger?