Epilepsy and Medical MJ


Well-Known Member
stay away from high cbn content strains. induces siezures more, and dont be fooled by an indi dom strain as most of them reviews cliam. they can still have a high cbn content. only true way to know is test its efficacy. is why i hate the med shops cause most dont and dont have a clue what they are handing the patient. ive seen this happen infront of me with a lady having a siezure form wrong meds.
i can cut the same strain at diff ages and get diff results in the cbn to cbd contents
Thats kinda odd.Ive had all kinds of dank & never had any problems at all.I don't know the avg. cbn content on most sour diesel,but I smoke a 3gram blunt of it & was fine.I don't normaly smoke that much in one setting,but a friend brought it over.Couldn't pass it up lol.Also had this strain called dragon's blood.Was blue dragon x EL diablo.Grown hydro_One or two hits would do you good.I don't live in a medical state

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
not everyone has the same forms or level iof the disease. count yourself lucky then. and its also to do with the ratios to the other cannabinoids, not just the amount of CBN. it may have been caled sour d but how close was it to the real deal...not saying it was a fake either but i see so many false names out there is all. im running green crack and og kush and to look at them i see absolutly no diff in the 2. so if i could easily fool anyone. ive also run 3 diff gc and all claimed to be the real clone only and all from reliable sources but yet all 3 was diff.


Well-Known Member
I knew who grew it.Both strains I said,came from him.He has been growing a long time.He gets clones from alot of states & orders from attitude.It wasen't from some random person my friend & I didn't know.
My prescribed med,Depakote,does a good job of controlling my Tonic-Clonic Epilepsy;aka Grand Mal seizures. However I've had so much nerve and muscle damage from seizures over the years, constant spasms practically crippled me. I can't remember how many muscle relaxants I've been on over the years. I don't like them as they left me feeling drugged and they're addictive as all get out. i went back to relying weed for the spasms and am glad I did.

I prefer an old strain of weed from my home state,with a real creeper high and strong body stone. It won a second place award for domestic weed in High Times in 1979 under the name of "WV Baby Dew Drops". Oddly,it has no Indica in it,it's pure old time Sativa. 2-4 tokes from bat style one hitter will do the job on the spasms for a week to 10 days.