Epsom salt question


Active Member
Epsom salt i think it is called, is used to fix a mg and cal problem,how long will it last for? i have a tank 100L and was thinking about filling it up with 90L and leaving the cycle on if i mix in the right amount of salt at the start (when i put the 90L in) will it be throughout the whole feeding of that 90L or will it be a problem? would having 2 tanks and 1 empty till feed time and the other full so that it gets pumped into new tank and mixed a bit? bongsmiliereally high


I mix 1tsp of epsom salt per gallon of PH'd water during a flush. The salt helps to leach out the deposit byproducts of fertilizers you're using. I don't believe salts are an adequate solution to cal and mg deficiency...They contain on trace amounts.