Well-Known Member
I was on Facebook the other day and came across this post:
US Uncut
Costco proves that companies can thrive by paying workers a living wage.#walmarteconomy
For me there is a huge difference between equal rights and equal pay... They are not the same thing. With the fast food strike, the Walmart workers strike, this strike, that strike... "We want fair wages!!!" etc. I just do not agree at all with it. My first job was at Taco Bell within 3 months I became shift lead and at 6 months I was the night manager. I made $7.25/ hour for a pretty stressful job for a 17 year old.
Later that year I quit working there and got job at the Laundry Mat making $7.50/ hour. After that I got a job at a health food store making $8.50/ hour. Again quit that job and started working for Lowes making $9.00/ hour. I stayed there for a little while and got moved up to Team Manager and was now making $11/ hour. My point being is I kept striving for more. I didn't wait around for an opportunity to present itself. I got out there and looked. One of the things I had going for me is that I had a job while I looked for a better paying one.
Later on I started working for a time share company and got a crash course in sales. Started making good money considering I was only 19 and getting $20/ hour (This is approximate sometimes more sometimes way less... It was commission based and a bad week is a bad week). This was in Las Vegas and trust me when I say, "selling time shares is not easy."
Now I am partial owner of a different company, still doing sells and have added CAD Designer to the resume as well (Thanks to YouTube and some classes I took while in high school). I did not grow up rich. My parents were able to provide my brother and I with the essentials plus give us $15/ week for lunch. We weren't poor but a typical middle class family of 4 with 3 dogs.
The point being, I didn't get anything handed to me. Did I receive help and support along the way? You betcha. But everything I wanted I paid for myself i.e. car, guitar, amps, etc. That's why I started working. When I wanted to make more money or increase my wages, I went up to my supervisor and said "What do I need to do, to get to the next level." If the employer was unable to provide a way of making more or placed a cap on my income, that is when I started looking for other jobs. Although, 8 out of 10 times when the employer was asked how to move up they would give me a list of steps. A couple of times I received a raise on the spot
. Now being in sells there is no cap for how much income I can bring in. The better the company does the better I do, so it is a win-win situation.
This is the rant I went into:
If I were an employer and someone worked harder, went above and beyond their job description, was somewhat smart perhaps even educated and worked efficiently. They would get X amount and have room to grow into management.
On the flip side, someone that is lazy, does the bare minimum, just enough not to get fired and borderline smarter than a 5th grader. They would be paid Y and probably be on the list of "How do I get rid of this individual." <----Why on earth would they expect to get paid X?
All this about equality, etc. Has nothing to do with rights. They don't give a crap about rights what they want is equal pay for doing the same mindless job. If you want more money and a better job/ career, then you have to work harder, educate yourself and strive to be the best at everything you do. That is how to earn more money, not to complain about Walmart being unfair or how fast food restaurants are taking advantage of their employees...
Don't like how much money you are making... FIND A NEW JOB! Better yet start a business and Create more jobs. This is the digital age. Any and all information is at our finger tips. Use it for creation and innovation. not cats and memes.
End Rant.

US Uncut
Costco proves that companies can thrive by paying workers a living wage.#walmarteconomy
For me there is a huge difference between equal rights and equal pay... They are not the same thing. With the fast food strike, the Walmart workers strike, this strike, that strike... "We want fair wages!!!" etc. I just do not agree at all with it. My first job was at Taco Bell within 3 months I became shift lead and at 6 months I was the night manager. I made $7.25/ hour for a pretty stressful job for a 17 year old.
Later that year I quit working there and got job at the Laundry Mat making $7.50/ hour. After that I got a job at a health food store making $8.50/ hour. Again quit that job and started working for Lowes making $9.00/ hour. I stayed there for a little while and got moved up to Team Manager and was now making $11/ hour. My point being is I kept striving for more. I didn't wait around for an opportunity to present itself. I got out there and looked. One of the things I had going for me is that I had a job while I looked for a better paying one.
Later on I started working for a time share company and got a crash course in sales. Started making good money considering I was only 19 and getting $20/ hour (This is approximate sometimes more sometimes way less... It was commission based and a bad week is a bad week). This was in Las Vegas and trust me when I say, "selling time shares is not easy."
Now I am partial owner of a different company, still doing sells and have added CAD Designer to the resume as well (Thanks to YouTube and some classes I took while in high school). I did not grow up rich. My parents were able to provide my brother and I with the essentials plus give us $15/ week for lunch. We weren't poor but a typical middle class family of 4 with 3 dogs.
The point being, I didn't get anything handed to me. Did I receive help and support along the way? You betcha. But everything I wanted I paid for myself i.e. car, guitar, amps, etc. That's why I started working. When I wanted to make more money or increase my wages, I went up to my supervisor and said "What do I need to do, to get to the next level." If the employer was unable to provide a way of making more or placed a cap on my income, that is when I started looking for other jobs. Although, 8 out of 10 times when the employer was asked how to move up they would give me a list of steps. A couple of times I received a raise on the spot

This is the rant I went into:
If I were an employer and someone worked harder, went above and beyond their job description, was somewhat smart perhaps even educated and worked efficiently. They would get X amount and have room to grow into management.
On the flip side, someone that is lazy, does the bare minimum, just enough not to get fired and borderline smarter than a 5th grader. They would be paid Y and probably be on the list of "How do I get rid of this individual." <----Why on earth would they expect to get paid X?
All this about equality, etc. Has nothing to do with rights. They don't give a crap about rights what they want is equal pay for doing the same mindless job. If you want more money and a better job/ career, then you have to work harder, educate yourself and strive to be the best at everything you do. That is how to earn more money, not to complain about Walmart being unfair or how fast food restaurants are taking advantage of their employees...
Don't like how much money you are making... FIND A NEW JOB! Better yet start a business and Create more jobs. This is the digital age. Any and all information is at our finger tips. Use it for creation and innovation. not cats and memes.
End Rant.