Escape Plans?


Well-Known Member
except for orange jumpsuits and ass rape
true enough, prison is definitely a step in a bad direction
depends a lot on your state, but for personal grows, most states/jurisdictions aren't really that interested in locking up small fish growers
if you have money to flee the country, you could likely hire a lawyer that would keep you from that
prior convictions can make that tougher of course
and from what i've read on the grow sites of some grower that have done some time, growers do get respect in prison


Active Member
well the thing is i dont have money (who does?) so legal aid isnt going to come if i need it. personaly i would much rather be on the run than in jail no matter how much respect i get


Well-Known Member
if you really want to get lost join the French Foreign Legion. nobody will know where you are for 4 years, guaranteed...


Well-Known Member
just do me one favor if u move to the hills in canada like bc or alberta or alaska bring much more then a .22, a bear will eat that bullet with no problem brother.


New Member
You will need at LEAST a revolver like this......

Bears can move at over 30 MPH ... so make no mistake by not carrying a "knockdown" weapon. If you fail to get that bear off his/her feet, UR a GONER!!! No foolies....

That's a .454 by the way. A rifle of course is still a necessity.


New Member
You think so? Willing to let a charging bear get within ten feet of you to find out?

this is meant to be funny, but it's DEAD on true enough....



New Member
It's very true however. :wink:

Believe me, you will want that revolver, and more if you go to Alaska or the Canadian rockies. It's not Yogi and a picinic basket up there.


Well-Known Member
just meant getting setup in some other state, do it a bit at a time maybe
can understand this might be a real problem, but you're obviously living with a good amount of concern, which is a bit like being in prison already
Good point. Being on the lam is like prison as well.

Before anyone considers growing for whatever reason they must carefully weigh the consequences.

I grow as a means of civil disobedience. This means that if I am ever caught I am ready to deal with the fallout.

For me that means a jury trial with an attack dog for a defense attorney. If convicted I will accept the consequences with head held high. If acquitted, I win.

I do not recommend running. If you run you are admitting what you do is a crime.


Well-Known Member
once a warrant is issued there is no escaping...

i'd escape to the french foreign legion if my life were at stake, like if I had a price on my head for some bullshit... you know, a drug dealer who misunderstood my degree of sarcasm as an insult, and wants me dead because he thinks it will make his insecurities go away.... the minimum enlistment is 5 years, plenty of time for whoever is looking for me to get killed....


Well-Known Member
once a warrant is issued there is no escaping...

i'd escape to the french foreign legion if my life were at stake, like if I had a price on my head for some bullshit... you know, a drug dealer who misunderstood my degree of sarcasm as an insult, and wants me dead because he thinks it will make his insecurities go away.... the minimum enlistment is 5 years, plenty of time for whoever is looking for me to get killed....
Interesting option, but not recommended for everyone. It is an elite unit so the selection is rigorous. At only 7699 Legionnaires, it is relatively small. It is a five-year enlistment. And like the U.S. Army Special Forces, their mission is ongoing in times of war or peace.

And those guys are animals. Compared to them, other military forces are Boy Scouts.

The first step would be figuring out a way to get out of the country and into France.

You would have learn to speak French which is not a problem due to the immersion factor. The food is good, the wine plentiful, and the whores are readily available.


actually if they threaten u with jail time you automatically get legal aid.......and who ever posted the gun....guns+drugs int the house=10 years min, even if the drugs just weed and the guns reg. to u


New Member
actually if they threaten u with jail time you automatically get legal aid.......and who ever posted the gun....guns+drugs int the house=10 years min, even if the drugs just weed and the guns reg. to u
the gun was for personal protection against bears ... read the posts next time ... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Fuck that I would fight it till the sun went down and came the fuck back up. I'm no fuckn runner and fright for what I believe in! Never had a record and I am a working man with a good past and future. It would hurt the the MAN to go after me. However I am a disabled vet and I have a med license.


Well-Known Member
actually the signing up for the french foreign legion isn't that hard, it's passing the basic training in the Sahara Dessert, and the subsequent final exam in the philippine jungle that's the problem...

i heard they once sent an elite 8 person group of navy seals, the very best of the very best, to encounter the 'final exam' of the french foreign legion.... the top time for any french foreign legion troop when encountering the obstacle course for the first time was 45 minutes..... it took the seals 9 hours.....


Well-Known Member
You send like your trying to live in the woods like a mounty for the rest of your life.

Just move to a different state and make sure you don't get picked up anywhere. As long as your not some huge kingpin. I doubt they would even extradite you a few states away.


Well-Known Member
You send like your trying to live in the woods like a mounty for the rest of your life.

Just move to a different state and make sure you don't get picked up anywhere. As long as your not some huge kingpin. I doubt they would even extradite you a few states away.
if a warrant is ever issued for you're arrest, you're fucked, you will be arrested if a cop ever finds out where you are, or if someone narcs on you, if you get pulled over, any millions of reasons...... it's that simple...... finding a job will be difficult, getting credit will be impossible, because you're social security number is tied to any credit line you might want to establish...