EsC's 2015 Outdoor Medical 30 Plant Limit.


Well-Known Member
7 Days in! Just a lil update.
Still wanted the CBD Gods to grow so on my day off (thursday) I will be cutting the rest of the clones. The CBD GODS.
As for the others, they are 7 days in and lookin freakin marvelous! I know you cant tell much threw the dome, but later on ill lift it up and snap some shots of inside (took these quick before I left for work) Movin along~!



Well-Known Member
I know right! Im about half way myself super entertaining! BTW Love your profile pic! Thats freakin impressive dude! Are those 200 Gallon grow bags?
Yup 200gal pots. That picture is last year's outdoor. The closest one in the picture was under 6 ft tall but over 2 pounds.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Those look fantastic EsC. It's been nine days now right? they should be popish some roots here pretty soon. What is your plan for them are they going to the garden.
Thank man! I can't freakin wait till I see some roots, been checking daily lol. Ya once they root, I plan on letting them veg in door for at least 2-4 weeks, then ima move them all outdoor for this season. Ill show some pictures of my outdoor set up when done. Should be done by the end of this week.

I watched the full two and half hours part 1,2 and 3. That was an awesome video of the full grow from beginning to end. And I definitely learned a thing or two watching it.
Makes me wish I lived in California.
Ya man that right there is how I'm doing my next grow! That was how people in Mendocino county and Humboldt County grow weed. They know what they are doing. Sticky trichomed covered donkey dicks lol


Well-Known Member
OK guys! Here's a quick update! We have SUCCESS!! More than half of the clones have rooted, and the other half (im guessing due to the strain) are gonna take about another 4 days to a week. Thats fine, I was thinking half just wasn't going to make it until I saw within the next few days roots starting to emerge as well. Anyways, heres some pics! I only had time to plant around 8 before work, and then on top of it ran out of dixie cups, so more pics soon to come, either tonight or tomorrow. Some of the clones were in server shock as well, you'll see the pic from yesterday they were very wilted, now today you can see they are perking back up!



Well-Known Member
It's cool that there's that many grow methods & system's.For a noob like me looking & learning at folks from all corners of the world(web) its mind numbing at times lol..Yours looks an awesome set up & come Xmas you will need a tractor to load up your massive harvest.!!!!


Well-Known Member
solstice is here in 4 days. you gonna start this grow this year or next year ?
Ya I know I'm very very behind... I was planning on having these outside 2 months ago... As soon as the rooted cloned veg for about s week I'm going to instantly move them outside


Well-Known Member
Here's more pics, pruned and trimmed all mothers, transferred the rest of what's rooted into Dixie cups. At least 4-5 each of the following so far: CBD Crit cure, CBD OG, Frosty kush, amnesia and chemdawg. all Mendo. purp, and crazy miss Hyde have yet to root. I also moved the Pineapple Express and Malawi into the "mother" room. There is still about 20-30 clones that have yet to root of all the strains, the ones in Dixie cups are the ones that have rooted so far. I will let them veg for about 1 week and transfer outdoors.


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Well-Known Member
Welp, small update. Was watering and looking over the mothers this morning and noticed 1 of my CBD Gods showing preflower. I got 3 unfeminized seeds, and this was the best and biggest if the 3... Sadly.. It's a male... I chopped and removed from the mother room.. Sucks...

Anyways as the other 2 CBD gods are now big enough to clone, I am going to clone around 6 each of them tonight, and will flower 1 of each CBD God clone to see if (fingers crossed) if I get a female. Other than that the other clones are about 4 days in from their soil transplant, all are looking marvelous! Purple kush and crazy Hyde, are starting to show roots, in a few days they will be out in cups of soil. I hope to have all desired amounts of said strains to be outdoors by the first of July. Really far behind.. anyways, here we go!



Well-Known Member
Ok guys another update, I finally had the time to pull everything out, sanatize (as it's been around 4 months since I started putting these plants in here. Then removed the dresser and devoted this whole closet to a mother/veg room. Left side will be to veg clones and plants a bit, right side is for mothers only.
I will add 4 more high intensity CFL's to the left side when the temps allow it. Probably only at night. Lately the temps have been so Hot outside, it's been a challenge to keep the closet stable. Might put s lower powered Cmf fan for exhaust. Anyways temps ATM fluctuate from 68-89*F keep in mind that's when it's 100* outside at times... So best I can do for this closet set up. Most the day they get around 68-80*F.

Anyways, the CBD God #1 and 3(#2 showed pre flowers of male) were big enough to get 5 clones from #3, and 7 clones from # 1. Let's hope 1 of these mothers is a female .

As for the other clones, all but 2 of the crazy hydes and all of purple kush have been transplanted into soil and put into the veg room.
The mendo purple kushes do have roots emerging, but I want to let em grow a bit longer, so in about another 2-3 days I'll transplant the purple kushes. Still have around 10-11 clones of the previous batch. Which should be good to go in the next couple of days, the other clones are fresh of the CBD gods.


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