Estimate my yield!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok.....heres the score. This is my (almost) confirmed female top 44. she has stopped growing so prolificly now, being a week into flowering. she is around 18 inches high with lots of nodes.

I would like to People with experience to have a go at estimating this plants final, dried yield. I will keep you posted, Its like a game!


Active Member
Well it looks like there is an OK grow light on it so im gonna say anywhere from about 3 quarters to an ounce and a half. You can get it closer to an ounce and a half by supercropping.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting. Nutrients? Are you going to train the branches? Molasses?Supercropping works wonders! I expect 2 zips a plant of my violator kush plants that were flowered around the same size.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
cool! like i said jack0161 the fast growth stage looks to be over as they have grown close to a foot in 7 days and since slowed down.

being my first grow i wasnt really expecting anything but things have gone much better than expected!

zalsrevenge - i have a 250w hps over 6 plants but obv as they sex and i remove the males each plant will get more light.


Well-Known Member
i am using bio bizz ferts. i'm trying to keep it simple as this is my first grow.

70%mg 30% perlite for medium.
1x250w hps.
bio bizz bio grow and bio bloom are my ferts.
i have done no training or trimming (except one one plant where i removed a burned branch 2 weeks ago)
i have 6 plants but only 1 has sexed so far.

