Ethanol extraction lab on a budget - vacuum filtration advice

Yeah. This
But we can multi task for a while this is hands off right now. But i Have to start stripping mangos in a few hours so what else do you have for us? Your memes barley generated a chuckle

Blah, blah, blah, again more BS and no content. Do you believe you improved the site with this example of public masturbation while masquerading as someone else?

Consider how similar death and stupidity resemble one another from the standpoint that it is those around you that are aware of the problem, as opposed to you.
Hot ethanol reflux is fast and does a good job extracting everything, including non target constituents like chlorophyll and water solubles.

It is so intuitive to start there that I did also, but moved on after I discovered my losses removing the non targeted constituents.

Charcoal filtering takes out more than just the non targeted elements. They remove some of the targeted elements as well, resulting in a reduced yield and an offset to gains achieved by the hot process.

Cannabis essential oil is a mixture of C-10 through about C-30 molecules, and Dr Robert Melamede believes that their medicinal effects are due to the entourage effect of all of the terpenes and terpenoids present. Removing some or all changes the entourage effect.

Your first post suggests you are extracting for medical qualities, so suggest that you contact Dr Bob and ask him his views on medical properties and entourage effect. He is a delightful man and easy to talk to at a common level.

These are all in line with my beliefs as well, this was why I got the rotovap and vacuum, to insure I can reduce and reclaim at a low temperature.

As has been duly noted, you can get more well read opinions from forums than information gleaned from hands on experience, so if after talking to Dr Bob, Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the City University of New York. Dr. Melamede retired as Chairman of the Biology Department at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in 2005, you wish to further discuss extraction techniques to preserve the entourage effects, send me an e-mail to, and I will connect you to our bio technologist with more than a decade of hands on experience extracting, and you can share his thoughts.

I will also connect you with Carla, whom did extensive Alzeimer's research on her mom and even a dog,

Lastly I can connect you with our Dr Kate, Pharm D, licensed compounding pharmacist, if you would like to discuss formulating.

That will insure that you are talking to professionals, instead of opinionated forum denizens (like me), and provide the best medications possible for your moms Alzheimer's. Too serious a subject to take lightly or counsel with fools.

That is a very generous offer and I will definitely take you up on that.

I did not know who I was talking to until you posted your email address, but you should know that you have already helped me in several ways. During my intense research to get a tincture for my dad's ALS, I came across your site. Great information, and it was there that I learned about QWET and following that, I learned about reclaiming the alcohol. So, thank you for that!

As for dosing and compounding, I would love to compare what I am doing with what you are doing.

I am having great success with virtually stopping my father's ALS for 4 years now and took my mother's Alzheimers from vivid hallucinations and combativeness, memory failing (forgot how to take her pills) to a perfectly normal person with a great long, mid and short term memory. Both are taking only .5ml with an estimated 25mg CBD:THC ratio sublingual every 24 hrs. I have no access to testing gear so that's why it's estimated 25mg.

The exciting thing is, she is a year into it and is getting better so there is a possibility her Amyloid plaque could be dissolving. As for my Dad, they gave him only 3-5 years to live in 2013 and to date the only digression he has had is his little finger on one hand is slightly bent. This is another in a long line of cannabis miracle stories!

Thank you so much, I'll contact you soon
Thanks for the good thoughts brother. We had similar experiences with Pat, Carla's mom, though she was ostensibly in final stage when we started on her. We were able to extend her 90 day prognosis to 4.5 years, and her withdrawn and cringing in the corner, to laughing and scratching with us and smelling the roses.

She did require THC in addition to the CBD, as without it she became combative.
Thanks for the good thoughts brother. We had similar experiences with Pat, Carla's mom, though she was ostensibly in final stage when we started on her. We were able to extend her 90 day prognosis to 4.5 years, and her withdrawn and cringing in the corner, to laughing and scratching with us and smelling the roses.

She did require THC in addition to the CBD, as without it she became combative.

Amazing. What a gift you were able to give her, and as we both know - cannabis gives relief to the caregivers as well as the patient!
Lots of variables in distill an isolations full spectrum extraction are better... Read read read before u invest. believe your eyes an yourself. Create a process that u know works. Take others advice with a grain salt untill u have "tested"products dont give to your patients
Both @Fadedawg @gwpharms are pretty intuitive on the subject and u can find most info on RIU or skunkfarms website which fadedawg also has put extensive work into shareing info on. Best tip research the compound u wish to extract it physical an chemical propertys before playing... Have fun be safe!