Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
first and only time i've ever purchased autos and it was because a bunch of this gang bought the seeds same time i did lol

i agree wholeheartedly that photoperiods are the way forward, just wanted to use up some of the money i've spent :P
Looks like you succeeded...


Well-Known Member
You know that last episode sucked bro . Been heated all day .
Yeah just too many things were rushed... another season could have been good... I think the fight for winterfell could have been season finale for season 8 and everything after filling season 9... bummer.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just too many things were rushed... another season could have been good... I think the fight for winterfell could have been season finale for season 8 and everything after filling season 9... bummer.
Fight for Kings landing was like pulling out of a bitch. No fight at all . Boring.. fight vs the dead had me amped and in tuned . Ending was just a fuck you to us and j snow.


Well-Known Member
My electricity went off 5 or 6 times in the early am . Probably nothin to do with your side . Hard for my power to go out.
Yeah man sky’s clear now but there’s lines down everywhere.

Fuckin found a outdoor farm earlier. Got some pics. Pretty cool. Throw me up when o get home.


Well-Known Member
Curious . It started like this from the time it popped out of the rw .
Yeah, I've seen people with this problem too many times to count, I think @Smokexbreak had a plant with that going on. TBH I'm not sure I've ever seen a conclusion to the problem. But, the science behind chlorophyll and photosynthesis point to magnesium. What locks out magnesium or is a antagonist to it?