Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Lmao, only some of us are.

Yeah man, no frickin way am I going into our ocean. Nads last about 10 seconds in that water before they suck right up to your belly button. Fridgidly cold!
I could imagine . Even in a wet suit here in the winter it’s cold . Never made it to the west coast . Always have wanted to see the Pacific Ocean . I do like yalls college football team .
Bh and sh .
Holy shit lol. Ya man you’re killing it!

So the nute line you’re using... it’s the trio right?


The green,maroon, and pink bottles? Or is it different than what I have? I’m pretty sure it’s the base nutes I have in my floraseries box.
Holy shit lol. Ya man you’re killing it!

So the nute line you’re using... it’s the trio right?


The green,maroon, and pink bottles? Or is it different than what I have? I’m pretty sure it’s the base nutes I have in my floraseries box.
It’s the base nutes . I have the calmagic but it seems like the amount of cal is enough so far in the trio .
You’re welcome I meant to post it last night but I passed out lol. I woulda generally just topped it but like 3rd monkey said my fans weren’t very healthy on that node so I’m stopping growth everywhere but on the 3rd node. Letting them grow a bit and I’ll top.

How ever I have an aurora Indica in a airpot that is growing really uniformly and I’m debating when I go to top it leaving the 2nd and 3rd node and letting it grow a bit and then topping everything once more for 8 mains on two nodes. Idk if anyone’s done it like that but it looks prime to try it with.

Have one on the garden done that way right now. Just got home and it's raining. I'll take a pic if there's a pause.
Or take a cutting and put it in 12/12 while it’s rooting and it’ll show sex letting you know what the mom is.... doesn’t even need to be rooted. Take a cut transplant it to whatever you’re cloning in and put it under 12/12....
Banging. Will try that Thanks!