Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
I have got to kick this sciatic nerve pain and get to the post office. I'm very sorry for taking so long guys. It will be worth it tho lol. Have a couple bundles of beans, super hot pepper seeds, some of my double purple Datura seeds. When these come in, wear gloves when you handle them. Unless you like deliriants.


Well-Known Member
Good morning fellas. My BH is finally coming out of its N tox and starting to grow again. I finished all my cuts, just waiting for somw growth so I can train all the branches away from eachother. Nothing to really look at on her right now so instead, enjoy my critical daddy purple at day 30F from switch.

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Well-Known Member
I have got to kick this sciatic nerve pain and get to the post office. I'm very sorry for taking so long guys. It will be worth it tho lol. Have a couple bundles of beans, super hot pepper seeds, some of my double purple Datura seeds. When these come in, wear gloves when you handle them. Unless you like deliriants.
Hell yea, I just crossed a heirloom cherokee purple tomatoe with a heirloom beefsteak last week, cherokee purple was the cherokee indians grow for over 100 years.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Reminds me I need to add more nutes . I’m wondering if I should be using the silica blast mixed with the trio would hurt .
I add silica to a fresh bucket, but I cut the grow in half when I do. Then I don't add it again unless I have to swap the res.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Trying to avoid having flimsy branches when I go into flower
Silica will definitely help, but it's not always 100% effective either lol. With a heavy yield, you'll still have to tie off. Silica has other benefits as well, so it's still worth adding. Mine contains K, so be mindful what's in yours.


Well-Known Member
Think both have k . Might be beneficial during first 2 weeks of flower . I might start lollipoping or at least defoliate that skunk today . Get the canopy more defined and manageable . Really wish I had a made a cloner. Might try and place in rw and see what happens .

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Don't add silica in flower. It'll reduce bud size from the big stems.

You can clone in a cup of water in the windowsill or in any medium of choice. Worst that happens is that you waste what would have been waste anyway.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
When I go into full flower do I cut out the grow and just use micro and bloom and a flower booster ?
All 3 at the same dose until after stretch, then add more bloom (you'll have to see how much, some strains are K whores). Then cut the micro and grow in half and supplement calmag if needed around week 6. You can add a booster if you want. I've never used them, but they seem to be all the rave lol.


Well-Known Member
Silica will definitely help, but it's not always 100% effective either lol. With a heavy yield, you'll still have to tie off. Silica has other benefits as well, so it's still worth adding. Mine contains K, so be mindful what's in yours.
I use cyco sillica, every week, it and dolmite lime, are 2 additives I LOVE.