Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Oh to throw my hat into the ring because animosity is human beings . Jesus died in Japan .

Animosity is natural selection. The strong prey on the weak. I would venture to say it's an innate survival adaptation that is shared by all living things. All living things must consume to sustain.
I can get down with that.

... but lol, if what it is and is not is indeed the truth/reality... it must have an opposite to exist. Nothing can exist without an opposite.


If there were no bad, there could be no good because in order to know good, you would have had to experience bad in order to contrast.
Bullshit!! What’s the opposite of my asshole?
I know I sound all sophisticated and shit, but I'm just natures best attempt at a wise ass lol. Nothing about me makes sense, so don't ever take anything I say too personally.
Better a wise ass than a dumbass eh?? lol see what I did there?

Wait... so the opposite of a fart is fresh air? Let that shit sink in.
Made a 15 second video - pictures flatten the image too much - i wanted to show how thick she's getting already!!!


That's a negative Ghostrider. No show, we have a no show.