Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Looking good man ! When you get the shed up and going . Game changer!
Oh dude you’re telling me! That shits gonna be nuts. I’m planning on running a 14’x6’ flower room with 20 hlg 96 elites. Gonna start with 14 of them and eventually move to 20 to run them cooler. Looking at 2-3 carbon filters. Gotta get a dehumidifier for the flower room and the drying room/loft and figure out the AC shits going to get stupid expensive but it’ll be worth it’s gotta get plumbing and electrical to the shed still and I’m going to install several drains. Gonna have a sink and the veg room will have a place for clones gonna make a counter for it. I’ve got 10x14 to figure out vegging in. Probably will get a shit ton of 96’s for in there as well. This will be a year project or so. Probably will do most vegging inside my house until I can get the veg room set up. Setting up the flower room first.
There’s no way for the tent to bring in fresh air..... needs a bottom vent or two open cuz air rises you know so fresh air in bottom fan out the top.....
I know. I was being sarcastic. But I mean if you have a exhaust fan it’ll pull fresh air in regardless of where the holes are located. Doesn’t exactly have to be at the bottom. The hot air would be being vented through the exhaust cool fresh air from the side panels.
Is there a name for one phenotype strains? I was looking at ethos strains the other day and there was one that they said there’s rwally only one phenotype. Then had its traits blah blah blah. Surely there’s a name for that style. Thanks for any help
Yeah I dont know our chances on ever getting some true Mac 1. I think its circulating in Cali but hard to find anywhere else. I cant wait til Michigan has more famous breeders and theres rare clone only strains here that I can get my hands on.
Go to Mac caps cut is being sold on there with other rare clone only strains.
Something with the change in light schedule/strength plus all the rain? Idk.

Ah ok. I just had to cut the shit out of my outdoor plants because of the rain. Getting rot already, they grew too thick and some started flowering already.

Any word on your power yet?
Well fellas, this BH of mine aint doin shit lately... i think all the mainlining demoralized it and now its just sitting there watching MTV and raiding my fridge while Im not home.... definitely a teenager..

If anyone remembers me mentioning I was gonna gift a few of my plants to my friend to let him grow them outdoors so I could continue on with other things.

Went over to his house last night and got these pics before it got too dark.

20190621_212650.jpg 20190621_212656.jpg 20190621_212701.jpg

They are all droopy after a long day in the sun?? Anyways, the tallest one is 4'2" from the base. Gonna be a good summer.