Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

The list of things I can't eat, drink or take is ridiculous... They Don't even want me taking Tylenol or Excedrin to help with my pain. No salt, pepper, uncooked veggies, milk, cheese, butter, nothing with tomatoes, list goes on for 4 pages. I'm down to tuna and steamed veggies. No coffee....... even decaf.
The list of things I can't eat, drink or take is ridiculous... They Don't even want me taking Tylenol or Excedrin to help with my pain. No salt, pepper, uncooked veggies, milk, cheese, butter, nothing with tomatoes, list goes on for 4 pages. I'm down to tuna and steamed veggies. No coffee....... even decaf.
Not sure what you have going on . That sounds like a hell of a dos and donts .
what’s up my motherfucking long lost very much Missed brothers !!! Up putting into 20 gallon pots all day long today this is just one green house with supplemental lighting to keep them in re-veg. The sun does most of the heavy lifting but we run the lights 18 hours a day and six hours off at 10:30 PM. 4:30 in the morning they snap back on. On fucking believable power spike to fire up this many thousand white lights all at once off one line! We had to have special tech electricians come in. Just wanted to show you guys the farm and how it was doing and if there’s any investors out there looking to invest give me a buzz cause we’ve got one hell of an operation going on ;)


Can you just told me they’re gonna let me run a 10 x 30 tent all to myself full of nothing but CBD auto flowers!!!! Can you fucking believe that I didn’t even know there was such a thing !!! Royal queen seeds has one that comes down below 1% THC every time. I just have to find a way to get it down to .3% and I’ll be in fucking business boys supersize sea of green with nothing but quantum boards and some really awesome soil or if I’m lucky they let me do flood and drain. But I’m only the assistant Master Grower so I don’t get to make any of the decisions sadly... Maybe with the auto flowers I will though Though, who’s the old man don’t know a goddamn thing about them lol. And I’ve grown one of the biggest I’ve ever seen besides that auto Ultimate lol. My white widow double XL is part of the reason I got this job in the first place because I was able to showcase that plant . They immediately knew that I didn’t fuck around one little bit Lol and for one reason or another I knew my shit or enough of it to be worth a damn and I was the first employee that they hired.

It’s called Regen. I don’t know if there’s anything online about it yet that’s not my job I don’t have anything to do with that stuff I’m just THE plant guy, literally, which is the most amazing job in the world let me tell you. And in about two years all of this is switching straight over to THC and only about 30% of it will remain CBD because there still money in it but there’s a lot more money in THC than there is CBD that’s for sure.

And since this is all legal as fuck I can show my face I could even say my name if I wanted to but I’m probably not going to again even though most of you probably know it because I’m retarded and I let it slip once LOL ( please don’t be an buttmumch and repeat it lol )

Got my LED pro shades lookin sharppp

I know I just lost my wife but for a guy who just lost his wife I’ve got to say thank God I have this one little outlet of joy. These plants saved my life because I had full intentions of ending it so I can see her again. But then this gig landed in my lap right at the right time with the right people at the right place with the right pay and incredible potential for my future. In 2 to 3 years I will be D Master Grower for Regen at this location. With 14x 30’ x 90’ state of the art humidity and temperature and even CO2 controlled sealed clean green and a few smaller ones Like 30 x 30 or 10 x 30 for propagation and experimentation plus my 30 x 30 auto flower all indoor state of the art facility that I’m going to build just for a little old Clyde. And I’m going to turn out some really really need CBD auto flowers that I don’t think any of us have ever seen before. I know the ones we’re going with are by royal queen seeds check their CBD auto flowers it’s the one that says it gets below 1% and has a really cool name I just can’t fucking remember it.

But I do have a picture of it! Hang on a second

I’m gonna fit as many as I can in that 30 x 30 and probably do Koko drain to waste because it would be easy! Plus @Smokexbreak could help me with all that because I know he has experience with it ;-) pretty excited about it I didn’t even know that they had those yet. Now we’ve got auto flowers with 30+ percent THC and CBD auto flowers with less than 1% THC there’s got to be one out there that’s got .3% there’s just got to be! Fuck maybe I’ll make one I’ll get one of those machines that test your THC levels and I’ll breed my lowest level testing plans together in the back read them and see if I can get the trait to lower the THC.

Anyways just wanted to say hi and share what was going on in Clyde’s world I have full-time work available if you can move to Asheville North Carolina or Candler North Carolina.

No fucking joke we need five like really really good growers people we can trust people that I know shit like that would be ideal just a thought

Think about you guys all the time only wishing I had the time of day to go through the forums like I used to but sadly I do not so until next time my friends! Drop me a reply if you want and tag me or send me a private message if you have anything to share say I don’t wanna miss it and have it get lost in the thread LOL
Sons are 17&18. I haven't given up but my heart sure is

Bro I know exactly what you’re feeling like and even more... keep your head up brother it really could always be worse.... i’ll never have Ally back even if I had the choice to try to think positive and just know that someone somewhere some little grow baby girl hot shot is going to fall in love with you and you’re gonna be happier than fuck up because everything happens for a reason brother

If Clyde can do it you can do it and you know what I just went through in detail... So chin up I want to see you and hear about you doing well my friend you should move your ass out here and fucking work with me
Yo I’m so high that I thought that was at @Moabfighter‘s post

But still I meant when I said minus the part about you knowing when I just went through in detail
Bh chop next couple days . Purple sunset and cg going into flower right after . Sour chocolate cheese and blueberry Obama next on deck to go in dwc .


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Plucked this tester nug off the bh . I’ll be chopping in a couple days .


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Bh has a good fade going . Skunk hero is just a big bitch . Nugs on that skunk are all grenades . Everything is dwc . Really excited on the glittlez that I “ uncle Ben” trained . Sour chocolate cheese and something else I’m going to start germing in the next couple days.. if weather permits me .


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