Listen, don't fucking waste money on some piece of shit China meter. Get the fucking drops bros. Ask homegrown, all I use is the fucking drops anymore. I cbf to dick around with a meter that may or may not be worth a shit. If you gonna all in and get some blue labs that's something else. Otherwise just stick with the drops. The drops don't lie. The drops don't need calibration. You fill the fucking tube halfway, put a few drops in, and shake for 2s. Put it against white paper with white light. Color tells you pH. Adjust from there.
Fuck spending $20 then $20 then $20 to replace China manufacturing. I get a new bottle of test liquid every box of nutes I order from gh. You get one every time you order a pH kit. The shit is probably on the shelf at Walmart. Stop wasting your money on that junk bros.
Time to roll back over and go back to feeling like shit. Ct scan on the 6th. And the fucking cunt who scheduled me gave me all kinds of attitude.