Ethos "Thug Roze" meets the Gavita Pro LED's............

I’m not sure about this……it doesn’t make sense. 18 hours will put them back in veg, although that takes a couple of weeks. He probably recommends doing it the last week or two. But, I can see how it would help with yield. I’ll need to listen to the podcast though, to see his reasoning.
Yeh it does sound freaky to do it’s in his last episode #776. He doesn’t promote doing it untill you know a cuts finishing time well enough.
Like Sshz said reveg takes a bit and it’s that window he is using. Im not that worried I have revegged plants and tried with several oz left on a skeleton which did not reveg and went all amber. When I throw clones in early spring they finish no worries with the final weeks in long days.
I have listened to previous podcasts when he has mentioned before………… I have to believe what he is saying, he’s a straight up guy and very knowledgeable. It took me 30 years to switch to LED’s, I’ll consider this change in another 10 maybe.
Haha I get it Sshz why fix what ain’t broke? Yeh Rasta Jeff does seem like a stand up dude with a lot of experience and the defoliation you have shown us works well for me aswell. I found it interesting and could relate to it but I’m not about to change things dramatically to try it yet.
Haha yeh it’s pretty out there I hope you don’t mind that I mentioned it in your journal. I’m interested in how that super skunk will smell when dried. Do you reckon the smell will shift much from what you are getting now?
Today I doing some smoking, basically testing everything…….the Super Skunk is unusual smelling. It’s not skunky by any measure, but it’s a mild sweetness I can’t put my finger on yet. I just weighed it, just over 20 oz but I’ll loss another 2+ oz as it dries. 6 oz per plant is unheard of in my style of grow but I’ve double checked everything and the figures are correct. It’s a beast of a yielder. This is 3 plants! Lol

The Thug Roze is a whole other ballgame, very fruity and also an incredible yielder. Here’s what’s in containers……the 3 containers on the safe have 46 oz in them total. I haven’t weighed the other stuff but the largest Tupperware containers usually have around a lb in them when dried. So guessing, 96 oz over there, plus 18 of the Super Skunk.image.jpg
It will be very cold here the next few days, nights into the 20’s, days in the 30’s-40’s. The heat will run a lot, finishing off the drying process for most of this. I actually ran out of Tupperware containers, so I’m heading to Walmart to buy more. That has never happened before.
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Sitting here right next to the Super Skunk, I’ve changed my mind. It is skunky, but not in the Road Kill Skunk way. It’s acrid, just a hint of sweetness and maybe pungent is a better description. Not fruity, not flowery, not typical for sure. I haven’t done much skunk in the last 5-6 years, maybe Green Poison from Sweet Seeds was the last skunk I did and this is way different. Here’s another closeup.

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