even more questions


Active Member
my seeds are on the way and i want to progressively buy my materials so i was thinking of putting my germinated seeds directly into 1 gal pots and pre vegging for about 3-4 weeks. would i be able to do this or should i use a solo cup first then transplant? i was going to pre-veg under cfl's then buy a single 250w and veg them in 3 gal pots. then flower them under 2 250w lights in 5 gal pots. my my concern is that i don't want to transplant this many times so i want to know if i could put the seeds directly in 1 gal pots and veg for 6 weeks total(including pre veg) to about 18 without the roots wrapping around the bottom too much. maybe to about 14 inches or so then to the 5 gal from the 1 gal. i just don't want to go from a solo cup to a 1 gal then 3 gal to a 5 gal. and i don't want to to from a solo cup to a 5 gal bucket since the watering is going to be tricky as hell. and i also DON'T want to germ them into 1 gal pots and have the roots grow out to the sides and have a what the fuck on my hands. if i can use a small solo cup then transplant to the 1 gal and have them be able to sit there for about a month comfortably i'll be fine with that. i just want to know if they'll grow to about 14-18 inches comfortably in that space.


Active Member
I have always started my plants in 4" pots then transplant to the finishing pot after 3 weeks or when the roots are developed enough to be poking out the bottom. Don't overthink it.


Active Member
A gallon of soil is over kill for a seedling. Not that it won't grow or anything because it will. But a new grower will tend to overwater a seedling if it is in to much soil. The tendency is to soak the medium and that much water for a seedling is not a good thing. Better to start in a smaller pot and transplant as few times as possible.


Active Member
i was thinking of using a large sized solo cup like the 16 oz i believe beer cups. so the it'll give the roots time to grow in and down but it'll be limited space as well at least downward. my main concern is knowing if i can grow it at least 2 weeks into veg and grow it to about 12-14 inches before switching to the final 5 gal buckets. reasons is to not overwater like a noob which was notably stated and to be ably to progressively by the HID lights within 4 weeks time to not stress my pockets ya feel me. closet space is thin so i have to put the 5 gal pots in a row. i'd have to get both lights runnin to light the plants properly


Active Member
HMMM I think you have other issues to consider. You said closet size is an issue..How do you plant on ventilating? Especially after you start HID?


Active Member
i'm gonna cooltube it and use ducting to suck that heat out. that's why i'm using cfls while i gather the funds for an inline fan. i've looked at a couple rated at 250-300 and my closet space is approx. 6x2x9ft (lxwxh) so about 108cubic ft. fan should be enough to run a carbon filter and cool the tubes enough. i'm gonna do some ghetto shit though and run the ducting under my bed and have a couple computer fans blowing at it to cool the exhaust air. theres an a/c vent outside the closet but that's a bit obvious if someone was to step into my room. but i'll have the sliding doors open from both sides decently enough for air to come in and have a box fan blowing some nice air on it. i'm not locking the plants up in the closet


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest getting the correct amount of money instead of doing a half ass grow you will be disappointed and be a big waste of time, plan on setting everything up before you start, it will pay off better in the end, trust me don't go through what I did!


Active Member
you haven't even asked what kind of budget i'm putting into this effort so why would you make a crass statement like that. instead of negatively reflecting on your experience use it to give me proper advice if you're going to give your input in this thread. not trying to be captain dickhead or anything.