Even the socialists hate Obamacare

Die in a fire with your manfriend UncleFuck.

So I go to my doctor
he orders tests
The tests are ordered at the lab downstairs

The Lab can either be owned by the hospital chain or co-habitated by a independant lab
No law exempts labs from giving rebates for volume referrals

And yes at one time in my life i worked for a lab as a Phlebotomist
I drew blood did EKGs and even did some rudimentary tests like hematocrits and bilirubin levels

Best part of the gig was being the only guy other than the director in the place. After work drinks were both fun and rewarding
If you know what I mean.
Another part of my job was delivering body parts to a funeral home for cremation.
My room mate got freaked out when i gave him a "hand"
I smell bullshit, if you had actually worked in the medical field you would know it's illegal for labs to give kickbacks, a licensed professional wouldn't risk this, that's just stupid.

I beg to differ. I have personally seen the corruption in the doctor-lab-insurance company complex.
the healthcare system in the states has been disgraceful for too long.
obamacare will be a big improvement.
everyone should have access to good healthcare whether rich or poor like in england.
the nhs is great,ppl get the treatment they need for free.
It has only been online for more than 2 years
Must suck to be too lazy that you depend on talking heads from the tea party to tell you whats in it
Start here

lol dude, it's my yob, I HAVE to know what's in it. You on the other hand..... well, as shown as your post that was Obama like in it's stupidity "sometimes they cut the foot off because it costs more" level of stupidity, are full of excrement. I was listing what's in the bill and you link me to it to prove me right? didn't think that one out all they way did ya.
Another part of my job was delivering body parts to a funeral home for cremation.
My room mate got freaked out when i gave him a "hand"

you must be really old, and I'm old, but those days are decades ago before regulations on disposal of biohazards.
It doesn't. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

fair enough, apologies.

And yes, as to your earlier point, corruption and dishonesty and greed will be in all facets of life as long as humans are involved, our goals should be to reduce this as much as possible.

Working in a hospital the reward for this behavior is dwarfed by the risk and consequences but in a small franchise type clinic, no doubt medicare/caid gets raped daily.
And yes, as to your earlier point, corruption and dishonesty and greed will be in all facets of life as long as humans are involved, our goals should be to reduce this as much as possible.

Agreed. We won't get less of corruption, greed and dishonesty if there is no accountability and the bigger government gets, the more difficult accountability is.
obviously you don't either or you would want answers from Holder/Obama over fast and furious.:confused:

Please go on about how Mexicans should feel about Fast and Furious. I for one, would be worried that the impending regime change here ends all drug war cooperation. Answers? They are in the documents that Obama is holding, not in the GOP partisan BS you want to push in order to blame Obama for the drug war. Mexico isn't calling for answers, Mexico is calling for an end to Dubya's drug war offensive into Mexico. Nobody down here is asking why Holder had the GPS receivers removed from the rifles, they are asking why America is exporting violence instead of curbing it's own demand for drugs.

Again, I'm not saying Obama is innocent, I'm simply saying fuck you for trying to shove partisan BS in my face to make it look like the GOP isn't just every bit as guilty for the drug war. So yes, hold Holder/Obama accountable right along with the neocons you enjoy blowing. Fuck Darrel Issa, he doesn't give a fuck about Mexico. He wanted us to keep exporting violence south, he only got mad when there was a US casualty for it, so fuck him.