even tor wont save you!


Active Member
That's right smart phone users. Say you use it to take a pic then send it to your email. Well taking that picture with your phone saves the location! It can be shut off but why risk it. The info can give the lat n longitude of where said picture was taken. Scary huh? But wait you can even get a aerial picture or even a picture of the front of your house or etc! Don't.knock me where I got the info lol but here's a link with info. Mods I'm sorry if it's in the wrong area please move if so I wanted to get this out asap! http://forum.dumpstersluts.com/showthread.php?106255-The-big-GPS-location-thread-pics-with-EXIF-info-(date-camera-type-coordinates)&


Active Member
Don't judge lol.... seriously though I found it on a search off my phone. About phone security so I wanted to post quickly