Evening droop?


Active Member
Evening all,

Not sure if I'm worrying about nothing, but my plants seem to be suffering from evening droopage
:shock:. This only takes place once I bring them in from outside after being in the sun all day (still frosty in the evenings).

They're in coco coir and growing at an incredible rate so far. Does anyone think this is an issue at this early stage? The strain is called Cali Hash from Dinafem, completely new to me.

Thanks once again for all your input, you guys are superb!



Well-Known Member
Droopage?...you made that up...didn't you?.


Your plant appears to be transpiring a bit after all that UV exposure...not unusual at all even under indoor lighting.

No worries.


Active Member
I did make it up - bloody good word in my opinion! It may one day become dictionary worthy, haha.

Thanks for the reply Sunbiz1, appreciate that.


Active Member
Hi again everyone,

My plant really isn't happy, it doesn't even seem to recover during the day now. Could it be from the recent transplant? I suppose it could be a number of things as they invariably are with these plants.
Just one question - what are your opinions on survival? It's in Coir, roots look happy, natural sunlight, water ph is correct, nutes every 4-5 days (although no nutes since transplant to larger 7 litre pot) 3 days ago. I've also not watered it as it was given a good watering on day of transplant.

Also, not sure about the reddening of the stem - is that normal?

Thanks as always!cali10314.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are you certain that they are receiving direct sunlight?
They look way too leggy and stretchy to me.
Direct sunlight usually gives 'em thick, short, stout stems...
[video] http://youtu.be/CI3cerYv2Wo[/video]
Evening all,

Not sure if I'm worrying about nothing, but my plants seem to be suffering from evening droopage
:shock:. This only takes place once I bring them in from outside after being in the sun all day (still frosty in the evenings).

They're in coco coir and growing at an incredible rate so far. Does anyone think this is an issue at this early stage? The strain is called Cali Hash from Dinafem, completely new to me.

Thanks once again for all your input, you guys are superb!

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some of the leaves are turning dark, or lighter, drooping down and curling inward. I try so hard not to over water or over fert my plants but that might be the cause my last ph test was slightly high[video] http://youtu.be/CI3cerYv2Wo[/video]

Evening all,

Not sure if I'm worrying about nothing, but my plants seem to be suffering from evening droopage
:shock:. This only takes place once I bring them in from outside after being in the sun all day (still frosty in the evenings).

They're in coco coir and growing at an incredible rate so far. Does anyone think this is an issue at this early stage? The strain is called Cali Hash from Dinafem, completely new to me.

Thanks once again for all your input, you guys are superb!

View attachment 3017172View attachment 3017173


Active Member
Thanks Jessica, thats probably the case.
Will see how next few days go.
These plants are nightmare compared to growing tomatoes and chilli's!!

jessica d

Well-Known Member
ya i dont fertilize small seedlings until they are a little bigger and start showing signs of lacking nitrogen with lower yellow leaves. if it was low light they would stretch alot and fall over. gd luck


Active Member
I think I'm over thinking like you say Dr.Who!!
This is the thing though - the more I read in these forums, the more I start worrying about every single thing, is the ph right, too much light, too cool, too hot, too little nutes, too many.
Maybe I should just start again, get some more seeds, throw them in the soil like I do with my tomatoes and let nature do the rest.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
ya and really seedlings will grow taller then that without any added ferts just soil and light. just water when pots are light and dry.have fun man


Well-Known Member
My initial guess is lack of light. Put it in a south facing window if you live in the northern hemisphere. The more light the better. It will recover in less than a day if it gets the right light.


Active Member
Hi guys, just thought I'd share the news that my plants are indeed looking much better. The sun has come out in Spain, and these along with my chilli's, tomatoes, cucumbers and peas are loving it!
Thanks again for the advice....