Ever called out when buying supplies?


Active Member
Gota love Boulder! When i hit the hydro store, they know what im there for. I ask questions, he gives bud specific answers. "tomatoes" my ass... i just say plant matter. Lol. But its cool.

And cops (at least here) cant sit outside hydro stores and bust you... entrapment. Thats like a cop sitting outside a bar to bust drunk drivers... entrapment. So i'd love for a cop to try and bust me... Entrapment, illegal search and seizure... the list goes on...


Active Member
yea to many young guys togeather does look kinda obvious, but i wouldnt pay any attention to it because you dont really want a scene, plus its not against the law to buy the shit right.


Active Member
And cops (at least here) cant sit outside hydro stores and bust you... entrapment. Thats like a cop sitting outside a bar to bust drunk drivers... entrapment. So i'd love for a cop to try and bust me... Entrapment, illegal search and seizure... the list goes on...
Shoot man, the cops where i live just sleep on the damn job. Just the other day I was going to a Home Depot to buy some lighting gear.

I forgot to make my turn so I take the next closest turn to me. It is a dead end short gravel road that leads up to a small power plant. I pull into it only to see a police cruiser sitting there. I had my radar on and it was not going off so I said F it im just gonna do it. I go in and pull FACE TO FACE with the cop car. FACE TO FACE. I look in and he has his damn head on the window with his eyes shut tight. I sat there for about 20sec just looking at him then turned around. I thought to myself after I left, "my phone has a damn camera on it for opportunities like this... Dumb shit!"

That is not the first time either. One night I was out driving I got my radar on and my laser jammer on. I drive past 8 cops that dont hit me so I go and just do a quick drive by them. The damn fuckers are sleeping. Oh and they are all in different parts of the city also.

Thats our tax money going to good use. All that wasted gas also, you know they had their cars running keeping them nice and warm.

God bless America!!
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