Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)


Well-Known Member
I'm probably 1 of the few ppl on here that will say I've never been in a fight. I grew up in a small town (230 ppl). If 1 of the 5 kids my age got mad they would just take thier ball and go home. When I went to jr high I had to go to the city, but by that time I was a head taller than most. I'm a very peacefull and easy going person, that combined with the fact that I'm not a little guy (6'-4") nobody has ever tried to fight with me.

There have been alot of ppl that have deserved a good ass kicking from me. The way I see it they will get thiers in the end. Karma will get them over better than I can anyway.:peace:


Well-Known Member
...so you punched a guy that didnt want ta fight back. total bitch move.

I know what your saying, but this kid talked so much shit, and he called my house and talked shit to me!

Oh, and he did hit me atleast once because my lip was bleeding at the end of it. OH, and tried kicking me in the fucking balls!

Trust me, the kid deserved everything he got.


Well-Known Member
I think the ONLY person who has ever come close to kick my ass was my dad. Otherwise i make a point of being the one to finish the fight. But fighting is obviously the last thing to do - i'll always try talking about things first - but if someone throws a punch [and there has been many idiots who see me and want to try and make a name for themselves with their pals] i'll lay them down where i find them and then walk away like a gentleman.

All i'll say is

Westham United Football Club
East London
Football hooliganism
Those 4 things are why i NEVER get my ass kicked, by anyone.


Those 4 things are why i NEVER get my ass kicked, by anyone.[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I've never been much of a fighter... a few drunk, stupid fights here and there as a teen. Nothing too serious though.
One time, when I was 16 or so, I was at a party with some friends - ridiculously drunk (I only remember patches of that night). I'm sitting on a chair, my head is leaned against the wall, and this older, bigger guy walks up and sucker punches me. With my head against the wall there was no recoil, so it really connected. One punch - chipped a tooth AND broke my nose. I don't remember why it happened, and don't remember it actually happening... I just remember standing up, blood going everywhere. People were trying to rush me out of the house because I was getting blood all over someone's parents white carpet and nice furniture. Next thing I remember, we're somewhere else drinking some more... my nose hurts and is all swollen, and my lip is like a golf ball. No one knew why it happened... could have been that I was mouthing off, but maybe not. I heard later that that guy and his friends just did that sort of thing sometimes. They'd been known to put ski masks on, go into a random party, hit a bunch of people, then leave. Guess they thought it was a punk thing to do (meaning 80s punk scene - spiked hair, leather jacket etc.). I was into that scene at the time too, but I was more into just looking different and getting fucked up/having fun - not fighting for the fun of it.


stays relevant.
Let's hear some fight stories! They're always fun to read.

I've been dating my g/f for like 5 years now and like a year and a half ago we broke up for a little. She was dating this emo douchebag and he called my house for some reason, so i was like are you fucking kidding me, calling my house like this?!?!

So I drove over to my g/f's house, he was trying to block the door and he was shaking, so scared. I eventually got through and pulled his ass out. It was downpouring outside and I ended up punching him in the mouth a few times but he was just trying to defend himself and running back the whole time, so I ended up saying fuck it, this is stupid. Later that night, went back to my g/f's house and we had some hot sex, and got back together again! hahaha
That type of behavior is commonly learned by watching your father beat on your mother (Verbally, emotionally, physically) -- but the whole laughing about it part is a whole new level of fucked up...

What ever happened to evolution? :confused:


Well-Known Member
That type of behavior is commonly learned by watching your father beat on your mother (Verbally, emotionally, physically) -- but the whole laughing about it part is a whole new level of fucked up...

What ever happened to evolution? :confused:
What? Dude beat his girls ex...and he was emo...I thought it was a funny.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know why your calling me out, I laughed because it was funny that after all that we ended up having sex and getting back together. And it's not like it was some brutal beating while the kid was balled up, like I said before he did swing a couple times. And after I hit him a couple times I let it go because he obviously didn't want to fight afterall.


Active Member
ONly ever been in one real fight in my lifetime (outside of the boxing ring that is), and it was with my cousin.

Few years ago i was dating this chick named Autumn, we were together about 8or 9 months, decent run. anyway, long story short, she wanted me to quit smoking:D i told her to eff herself and she told me to leave, so i did.

Anyway, this was in November of that year.

Now its christmas time, and my cousin and i have been excited to see each other because hes been out of state for a long time. And every year our grandparents have a xmas eve party at their house, we were going to meet up there.

Well, i show up and my ex, Autumn, is sitting on his lap when i walk through the door.

Long story short he had been dating her for 3 weeks by that time. As soon as i saw them together i saw red. My cousin stood up and said, "i was going to tell you, but.." i interrupted, "But you forgot to mention it the passed 6 or 7times we talked on the phone this week?" He then said "look man, its not that big of a deal", i said "youre right, but this is.." I then picked him up by his shirt colar and slammed him down on the coffee table that was there in the living room, jumped on him and began wailing on him. My grandfather then puts me in a full nelson and throws me outside, my cousin is short to follow. My grandfather then yells " Finish this outside." So i did.

Since then, my cousin and i have put this behind us. But he still married her... and, she just had their second kid .... lol.:o


Well-Known Member
ONly ever been in one real fight in my lifetime (outside of the boxing ring that is), and it was with my cousin.

Few years ago i was dating this chick named Autumn, we were together about 8or 9 months, decent run. anyway, long story short, she wanted me to quit smoking:D i told her to eff herself and she told me to leave, so i did.

Anyway, this was in November of that year.

Now its christmas time, and my cousin and i have been excited to see each other because hes been out of state for a long time. And every year our grandparents have a xmas eve party at their house, we were going to meet up there.

Well, i show up and my ex, Autumn, is sitting on his lap when i walk through the door.

Long story short he had been dating her for 3 weeks by that time. As soon as i saw them together i saw red. My cousin stood up and said, "i was going to tell you, but.." i interrupted, "But you forgot to mention it the passed 6 or 7times we talked on the phone this week?" He then said "look man, its not that big of a deal", i said "youre right, but this is.." I then picked him up by his shirt colar and slammed him down on the coffee table that was there in the living room, jumped on him and began wailing on him. My grandfather then puts me in a full nelson and throws me outside, my cousin is short to follow. My grandfather then yells " Finish this outside." So i did.

Since then, my cousin and i have put this behind us. But he still married her... and, she just had their second kid .... lol.:o
Lol. Masculinity issues?


Well-Known Member
ONly ever been in one real fight in my lifetime (outside of the boxing ring that is), and it was with my cousin.

Few years ago i was dating this chick named Autumn, we were together about 8or 9 months, decent run. anyway, long story short, she wanted me to quit smoking:D i told her to eff herself and she told me to leave, so i did.

Anyway, this was in November of that year.

Now its christmas time, and my cousin and i have been excited to see each other because hes been out of state for a long time. And every year our grandparents have a xmas eve party at their house, we were going to meet up there.

Well, i show up and my ex, Autumn, is sitting on his lap when i walk through the door.

Long story short he had been dating her for 3 weeks by that time. As soon as i saw them together i saw red. My cousin stood up and said, "i was going to tell you, but.." i interrupted, "But you forgot to mention it the passed 6 or 7times we talked on the phone this week?" He then said "look man, its not that big of a deal", i said "youre right, but this is.." I then picked him up by his shirt colar and slammed him down on the coffee table that was there in the living room, jumped on him and began wailing on him. My grandfather then puts me in a full nelson and throws me outside, my cousin is short to follow. My grandfather then yells " Finish this outside." So i did.

Since then, my cousin and i have put this behind us. But he still married her... and, she just had their second kid .... lol.:o
lol It must be awkward visiting your cousin...
ONly ever been in one real fight in my lifetime (outside of the boxing ring that is), and it was with my cousin.

Few years ago i was dating this chick named Autumn, we were together about 8or 9 months, decent run. anyway, long story short, she wanted me to quit smoking:D i told her to eff herself and she told me to leave, so i did.

Anyway, this was in November of that year.

Now its christmas time, and my cousin and i have been excited to see each other because hes been out of state for a long time. And every year our grandparents have a xmas eve party at their house, we were going to meet up there.

Well, i show up and my ex, Autumn, is sitting on his lap when i walk through the door.

Long story short he had been dating her for 3 weeks by that time. As soon as i saw them together i saw red. My cousin stood up and said, "i was going to tell you, but.." i interrupted, "But you forgot to mention it the passed 6 or 7times we talked on the phone this week?" He then said "look man, its not that big of a deal", i said "youre right, but this is.." I then picked him up by his shirt colar and slammed him down on the coffee table that was there in the living room, jumped on him and began wailing on him. My grandfather then puts me in a full nelson and throws me outside, my cousin is short to follow. My grandfather then yells " Finish this outside." So i did.

Since then, my cousin and i have put this behind us. But he still married her... and, she just had their second kid .... lol.:o
You broke up with her in a rude way and then proceeded to beat up your COUSIN for being with her. You sir, are fucked up.


Active Member
You broke up with her in a rude way and then proceeded to beat up your COUSIN for being with her. You sir, are fucked up.

ya, probably so. However, not all details were divulged, like the ultimatum my ex gave me" quit weed or were through" so i said, were through. i dont do ultimatums.

i beat my cousins ass cause he let me walk into that house blind, with no warning.

why am i justifying myself, you dont know me.


Active Member
lol It must be awkward visiting your cousin...

Just my cousin no. It gets awkward when SHES around... she still to this day wants closure from me... no BS.
Im like, YOU HAVE 2 KIDS... lol that would be enough closure for me. or at least enough responsibility in my life to make me forget about past relationships....

hell, the only thing you get when you dig up the past is dirty.


Well-Known Member
IDK why you're justifying yourself. But it's probably because that was a punk move. What does it matter? You left her so he got some booty? You could of stopped smoking. I wouldn't have, but I wouldn't be mad at my cousin either.


Active Member
IDK why you're justifying yourself. But it's probably because that was a punk move. What does it matter? You left her so he got some booty? You could of stopped smoking. I wouldn't have, but I wouldn't be mad at my cousin either.
look it was a respect issue. My cousin and i are 6 weeks apart in age, we grew up together, we were best friends growing up, inseparable. We had a certain respect for one another. All that went out the window when a woman was thrown into the mix. I could care less about him being with her, really i could. but as i said before, i initiated the fight because he let me walk into that situation blind in front of my entire family.

edit: to make matters even better, i later found out that as he and autumn had arrived to the xmas party, my family asked him, does your cousin know? my sister (who was there at this point) told me he told THE ENTIRE FAMILY that i knew about it. And if i had, i wouldnt have over reacted in the way i did.


Well-Known Member
i grew up getting my ass kicked a few times a month at the bus stop bc of my bully ass neighbors. There will always be someone who can kick your ass - always!
ill try to recite this battle i got into at a usc central florida game many years ago. it all started when we were out tail gating near the frat boys. i had just come home from a season of snowboarding in colorado. i had two roommates who didnt go out much and i worked and rode every day the entire season. Needless to say i didnt get laid that whole year. so as soon as the mountain closed down we high tailed it back to SC to get drunk see our friends and call up some of my ole girlfriends.
i ran into one of my friends while tailgating - an ole buddy i used to party with before i moved to co. he had some meth on him and we decided to do a couple key bumps in the porta johns in the parking lot. things were cool, i scored some free or cheap tickets to the game so we were walking into the game and this slut says "hold my beer for a sec while i tie my shoe" dumbass me grabbed the beer and she goes "thanks" and kept walking. so i took the beer a threw it on her feet and kept cruising – that started the bad mood. a couple minutes later we past some psycho dude saying we are going to hell because were drinking and spouting off all this religious shit – this really kicked in the bad mood. i dont have a problem with religion but i dont want you to tell me about how im going to hell and shit - i know this already!!
i continue to my seats which were in the student section and i stated to bug out being crammed in with everyone so i left and went back to the parking lot to have some beers with my high school buddy’s that didnt go to the game. I was in an OK mood but really ready to clock somebody if they gave me a good reason.
a few key bumps later these frat boys cruised up to our spot and started talking smack. I dought they just picked us at random bc a couple of my buddy’s are big mouth punks who like to start shit. well four or five of them surrounded me and two of my friends. one frat fuck pushed my friend and he pushed him back and at that split second i punched one guy with my right as soon as i made contact i punched another guy with my left and the battle was on. next thing i remember was the crowd step back away from us like a parting of the seas so it was me and one of the guys that didnt get hit the first time. all i remember was thinking oh shit this is for real and its on now. so we faced each other both in a boxing stance with a large crowd around us. i thought to myself you know some big black dude is going to come out and be a bad ass in front of everyone at my expense and i said fuck that i dont give a fuck! ill take his ass too. meth really slowed this whole fight down to slow motion for me. so i stepped up to the guy and just destroyed his ass with a left and a right but he didnt go down. he was back peddling at this point bc it was obvious i wanted this more than he did so i continued to walk toward him until i caught him by someone’s car . i got close enough to take a swing and as soon as i did he tripped over his own feet so that punch missed by a mile. i took another step or two toward this guy caught him and planted one right in the face and he fell backward into the car. I remember hearing the sound of his body colliding with the door. I think he said he had enough or tried to crawl under the car to escape – I don’t remember which. then all of a sudden one of his friends grabbed me around the waist with his head near my belt and was punching me wildly. then my buddy who got all this shit started pulled him off me and i launched a meth powered upper cut to his dome. Instead of contacting his face my punch landed on his forehead my middle finger snapped. you could hear it – it was so loud. i dont remember what effect the upper cut had on the guy but i know the fight was winding down at this point. i knew my finger was broke bc it was shaped kinda like a "Z". so i grabbed my baseball hat off the ground placed it on my head and started getting the hell out of doge bc the police were rushing the scene.
we ended up getting away free and clear.
it was brutal fight. as i was walking out of the parking area there was a guy laying flat on his back unconscious bc my friend had knocked him out cold - i got really nervous at this point. i also saw another guys spitting blood out of his mouth. we really kicked the shit out of these guys.
i ended up with a broken finger, my friend ended up in the hospital with an infection from a cut to his knuckle.
i have been in a lot of fights but this was the ultimate battle of my life. i promised myself i would never fight again after this and for the most part I haven’t.
I could tell you about the many times I had my ass beat too but what fun is that?


Well-Known Member
Well I can sort of understand that. But if you too were such good friends why let a woman between you anyways? Shit with my best friends they would be tryin to initiate a 3 way. :shock: It could of been resolved without fighting. That's all I'm saying.