Ever gotin your pet high

he hates everything until its time to sleep. then he suddenly feels the need to claw at your door and cuddle and meow all night
Haha, I can't believe this thread.

I've gotten my dog high ever since it was 2 months old. He loves it, it just chills with me after i get him high rofl.

The only bad part about it is, he ate my weed once when I went to take a piss. I left it on the bed, only like 3 g's but, i came back and it was gone. I was so bummed lol.

**EDIT** He's a pit and lab mix, his name is Thor. :D
Haha, I can't believe this thread.

I've gotten my dog high ever since it was 2 months old. He loves it, it just chills with me after i get him high rofl.

The only bad part about it is, he ate my weed once when I went to take a piss. I left it on the bed, only like 3 g's but, i came back and it was gone. I was so bummed lol.

**EDIT** He's a pit and lab mix, his name is Thor. :D

our dog does the same thing. smoke and chilL. we found him chewing a bag of kush not 20 minutes ago. hes the runt of a pit bull/chihuahua litter.
hes the runt of a pit bull/chihuahua litter.

So, you have signs around: 'Enter, at your ankles risk!!'

I have three dogs:

English Bulldog
Pit Bull
Black Lab

They are a riot,

The Bulldog used to like beer; he would knock over any bottles laying around to get a drink. Now mind you, he would not do it with soda or water bottles, but now doesn't like beer so it's good for my beer budget... now if only I could get my bro-in-law to stay out of the beer!! LOL

The Pit, she is the spoiled little bitch of the bunch, but she is so sweet we just can't help spoiling her. She is prob the mellowest pit I have ever had, I would say that she couldn't hurt a fly but I have see what she can do to rabbits and gophers! She doesn't like to be around the smoke, she comes over for a pet and some love but if I blow any smoker her direction you can tell she doesn't like it, so I just give her attention and blow away from her.

Now the Lab, He's my stoner buddie! He smells it and comes running and if he can't get to it he will whine, he'd prob make a good drug dog (well for pot anyways!), and when he is around he will rub up against me leg back and forth until I blow his way. There is NO question his is his way of asking for a toke, I start blowing his way and he tries to EAT THE AIR! At first I thought he was snapping at me, but he's just taking a hit.

Funny story about last night, my lab and I were in 'our room' (it's my grow room) smokin' and I he was keeping it up a bit longer than usual and I had a new bong that is so smooth you always take a bigger hit than you think you are, well after a few bong load of some nice OG. I relax a bit and go about taking care of the plants and figure before I go to bed I would vap a little. I vap and he is sitting in HIS spot where he can see the plants, chill out and be out of my crippled ass way, and he is out sound asleep.

I do my thing and I called him to go to bed; usually he gets up right away and I don't have to say anything too loud usually just whisper his name and he comes, BUT, this time I had to raise my voice to get his attention and he looked at me with this look like:

'you want ME to do WHAT? come on now, really, just leave me alone'

Finally I saw why when he tried to get up! He was so stoned he had a hard time walking straight and was walking like he was stepping on egg shells! It was pretty funny
earlier me and my woman were gonna smoke a bowl in our bedroom. i forgot and had to come out and get my homie to complete the cypher. then he put on my womans shades to hide his chinkyness.:mrgreen: the date on the pic is wrong.


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My friend's cat just ate his last dime bag. XD He's a bit pissed off, but he's looking forward to watching Jinx be weird for the next few hours.
getting my cat high as a kitten is not something i regret, she is super chill, super loving, really fat and super talkative and she speaks spanish and will respond to your comments or questions
i was trippin out on my friends cats 1 that i felt like they were going to jump on me lol hade my hoddies on was crazy mannnnnnnn lol
My cat hops up on my lap whenever I fire up a joint. He will literally follow the hand holding the joint around. I never blow it directly in his face, I just exhale out my nose and let him be surrounded by the smoke. He loves it.
Here's Indi again! In full regalia!

