Ever meet a celebrity/famous person?


Well-Known Member
I'm bored and for some reason this popped into my head and i figured it might be a fun/interesting topic. I know I've met a few but I cant really remember all of them. This might sound kind of dumb but when I was younger I was HARDCORE into pro wrestling, so for my 10th and 11th birthdays my parents took me and my brother to a match, I fucking loved it man, I was so happy both times they did it. I can still feel the excitement and happiness i felt back then almost if i try to remember back to those nights. Anyway back on topic Ive met bret hart, the undertaker, shawn michaels, and almost all the other guys that were their but like i said cant remember em all. After the match/show was over almost everyone went to this one area and chilled with the fans for an hour or two shaking hands,signing autographs, and talking a bit to various people who came up to them.
Their is this kind of semi-famous around here childrens songs writer named tom pease who i've met, his son was a close friend of mine(ya know whats fucked up though? his real character and treatment of his own children are nothing like the facade he puts up.)


Well-Known Member
Awesome, lol, I was wondering how many other people on here would respond with pro wrestlers and which wrestlers. lol, I remembered golddust is one of them i met that i couldnt think of before. I wish i could still get into watching wrestling sometimes but when I found out that it wasnt real it just totally ruined it for me cuz i was so deep into it thinking it was real i almost felt betrayed. lol, and fighting anime does take its place pretty well if im in the mood.


Well-Known Member
Yea I stopped watching wwf when I was 11 or 12.My mom always said it was fake and I knew it but I didn't care lol it was still entertaining.
I stopped watching it because its pretty much half naked men grabbing on eachother lol.

But if im high I'll put it on for the laugh.I cant believe it still comes on and theres still a huge fanbase for it.


lol he was always my favorite.


Well-Known Member
Barry Switzer (retired football coach) and Bob Stoops (current Oklahoma football coach).
I've also met Lydell Carr (retired NFL fullback).

I've never met any pro wrestlers, but of all those mentioned in this thread, except for the Rock, I have seen them all live. I haven't attended a wrestling event in 20 years, but when I went it was loads of fun. Watching it on TV does not do justice for the live experience.


Active Member
I swear to god I passed one of the Baldwin brothers on my way into a bathroom in Seattle while he was walking out. Don't ask me which one it was though, none of them are important enough for me to know or care lol


Well-Known Member
....well that beats the fuck out of my story i guess haha.

carmen electra.......FUCK!!!!!!!!!! =D
haha...Well it's understandable...I don't know too many people that would get excited, passing one of the Baldwin brothers on the way to the restroom! haha...man she was hot...I wish she could come back to Guam someday, just so I can gaze in lust at her...


Total Head

Well-Known Member
i met wanda sykes at foxwoods casino a few years back. and like 8 years ago jackass live came around and i got steve-o's autograph. before he came down him and the rest of them were throwing all this salami and bread and doritos at the crowd outside from their dressing room or wherever and some nasty dude made a sandwich and ate it. it was a good time. they were doritos 3d by the way. remember those?


Well-Known Member
Met Whoopie Goldberg while doing a job in LA. Have met a few politicians and known rich folk in Fairbanks Ranch area.


bud bootlegger
an ex gf and i were wondering around the village in nyc one day when this short white dude who had about four or five bigass black guys all around him comes up to us and asks us if we know where there were any thrift stores around.. being that we weren't from nyc, we both said no.. the guy walked away from us and we both looked at each other like was that really who we think it was.. i than turned around and approached the dude and asked him.. hey, aren't you woody harelson? and he was all like yah, thats me, and we than talked for a few minutes before he was escorted away by his large black men who i could only guess were his security gaurds.. was pretty cool still..