Ever Seen Anything Like This Before?

closet grower

Well-Known Member
Growing 5 Jack Herer clone plants all from the same mother. I have been experimenting with all 5 and have treated each one differently with respect to nutes, lighting etc. Each one is completely different from the others in respect to size, shape and amount of buds and bud sites. They are all indoor soil grown and in the 5th week of flowering. I'm using a 600watt hps for all at this stage. One plant has now developed 2 leaves in the middle area which are very healthy looking but half of each one has turned white. Any ideas? I've never seen this before and have yet to find it in faq's or on another site. :-|


closet grower

Well-Known Member
lol... k, I didn't think you were but ya never know anymore with all the shit we do to these plants. Anyway, I don't think it is any kind of deficiency at all and I'm not sure about it being genetic either. All the plants came from the same mother and with everything I've put them through, none of them look even remotely like they would be related. These are the only 2 leaves (obviously on the same plant) in the crop that have done this. One of the leaves turned half white 5 days ago and the one beside it turned half white during last night and throughout today. I'll have to see if any more do the same thing. It looks kinda cool though...:mrgreen:

closet grower

Well-Known Member
Scarey is right. That was the first thing I thought it was when I saw it but they are normal leaves, just slightly retarded now. They feel like a regular leaf as well. There is no sign of any mould, fungus or any other disease or deficiency anywhere. I've even scoured each and every plant looking for critters and have found nothing. I have noticed though with 3 of the plants, some of their smaller leaves growing out of the buds are actually hooked around... kinda of mutant like. I guess it must be something I've done in the growing process. When those leaves get a little bigger I will post some pics of them as well. They are something I've not seen before either until now. Yep, I'm baffled... thought I saw it all... until now.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Sounds like an albino plant... Im looking for info on them and came across this thread. I remember seeing it in one of Jorge Cervantes's books and it said it was very rare, but I can't find shit on it so it must be rarer than I thought. Hope you cloned it...


Well-Known Member
Your plant is in flower and you will see more yellowing as the plant uses the sugars and energy from the larger leaves to feed the flowers. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
on my friends last grow he harvested buds that had half yellow half green leaves like that. We called it lemon-lime. Its just a strange form of nitrogen deficiency as far as I could tell


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what the problem is here. What I do know is that if I had a 600w hps light and five good clones I would be treating them only one way...with TLC so they get big and fat. I would save the experiments for bagseed or something


Well-Known Member
How do we know that this variegation is even a problem? Is it a problem for a variegated impatiens to have white parts on its leaves? How many commercially grown plants have variegated cultivars? A lot! Just think of all the different houseplants. How do we get variegation? From a tweaked plant that's then bred for that trait. You may just have a slightly tweaked plant. Maybe you can clone the white parts, then breed those, and have the first white-leafed mj! :D