Ever think about growing? Here's why you SHOULD


Well-Known Member
No man deserves to have to pay for his own life.

Also, Rick Simpson provides all patients who come to him with free Hemp Oil.
You are missing my point. If in fact Hemp Oil is a cure-all for cancer, someone would have monetized it. Not saying you or Rick James, I am saying someone would have monetized it already. Based solely on the fact that it is not monetized just goes to the validity of your argument.


Active Member
You are missing my point. If in fact Hemp Oil is a cure-all for cancer, someone would have monetized it. Not saying you or Rick James, I am saying someone would have monetized it already. Based solely on the fact that it is not monetized just goes to the validity of your argument.
it is readily available for sale in 3/5 dispensaries in Denver Metro. People have monetized it. Considering the illegality of Cannabis, it is much less lucrative to create a cure for cancer than to sell "treatments," which is what happens when money is all that is thought about, ie pharmaceuticals.


Well-Known Member
Not neccesarily, remember the big drug companies have all the control. If they came out and said cannabis cures all these things. Then think of all the money they would be losing for cancer treatments. Prob, billions of dollars. It would be like them cutting their own throats.


Active Member
Not neccesarily, remember the big drug companies have all the control. If they came out and said cannabis cures all these things. Then think of all the money they would be losing for cancer treatments. Prob, billions of dollars. It would be like them cutting their own throats.
My point exactly. That's what happens when it's about the money.


Active Member
You are missing my point. If in fact Hemp Oil is a cure-all for cancer, someone would have monetized it. Not saying you or Rick James, I am saying someone would have monetized it already. Based solely on the fact that it is not monetized just goes to the validity of your argument.

"cure-all for cancer"

I saw this and chuckled. Cancers are called cancer because they perform on the same mechanism. that's why they call it a cure for cancer. A cure-all, or Panacea, is something that cures multiple diseases and ailments,
with very few side effects, if any. So you could call it either.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I have been convinced. Hemp Oil cures cancer. Now can we end this thread?


Active Member
I don't think you see the point. Let me condense the points into one post so you can read them all at once and get a better understanding.

Cannabis cures cancer and has the potential to be used to cure others, has anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-biotic properties, this has been tested, proven, and is repeatable, and should be free of charge.
Hemp seed oil can be monetized, because it can be used in place of ethanol, diesel, paint bases, and hundreds of other applications.
Hemp stalk, leaves, and byproducts can be monetized as well, because they can be use to make concrete, textile plastic (like teflon without the chemical bleed), anti-microbial and anti-fungal rope and cloth, and thousands, if not millions of other things.

And no. Others obviously like the thread, and this information can provide help, support, and provide knowledge, inspiration, and wisdom to millions, if not billions of people across the world if it is provided to them.


Well-Known Member

"cure-all for cancer"

I saw this and chuckled. Cancers are called cancer because they perform on the same mechanism. that's why they call it a cure for cancer. A cure-all, or Panacea, is something that cures multiple diseases and ailments,
with very few side effects, if any. So you could call it either.
I said cure-all, because there are different types of cancerous cells, that act differently and are vulnerable to different 'antidotes'. In this case, I am using the word cure-all for cancer correctly. I also use the word cure-all as hyperbole in jest, signifying that I think your assertion that Hemp Oil cures cancer is merely a gimmick such in the same way cure-alls in the 1800's were sold.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you see the point. Let me condense the points into one post so you can read them all at once and get a better understanding.

Cannabis cures cancer and has the potential to be used to cure others, this has been tested, proven, and is repeatable, and should be free of charge. No.
Hemp seed oil can be monetized, because it can be used in place of ethanol, diesel, paint bases, and hundreds of other applications. Agree.
Hemp stalk, leaves, and byproducts can be monetized as well, because they can be use to make concrete, textile plastic (like teflon without the chemical bleed), anti-microbial and anti-fungal rope and cloth, and thousands, if not millions of other things. Agree.
See above comments.


Active Member
Let me re-evaluate for you.

It needs to be free to start a revolution in the economy. People have already started
growing industrial hemp, as well as opening legal grow houses built to house more than 10,000 plants. Imagine the horrible repercussions of a company like Monsanto or General Mills getting its hands around the neck of the cannabis industry. It's either us or them, and personally, I don't want to see them turn it into GMO franken kill a man plant.

If everyone has the materials to cure cancer, but people want to charge 1600/lb, relatively how much it takes to make 60days worth of hemp oil, then imagine how many lives would be saved of those who got it free, compared to how many cars could have been bought by those who sold it.

BTW, 60days worth of Hemp Oil will cure all cancers, with leukemia being the fastest in about 15days of treatment, due to it's presence in blood. It will also help reverse the effects of diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and numerous other ailments, mental disorders, and diseases.

Seeing as more than 750,000 people in the US are killed by pharmaceutical drugs, with the number of deaths skyrocketing as the amount of prescriptions increase thank
s to doctors prescribing drugs like Prozac, Klonipin, and Warfarin to people with insomnia (Off-label prescriptions).
Every one of the assailants who have been involved the mass shootings lately have been on anti-psychotic and anti-depressive medication.

There are studies that prove that most of the pharmaceutical drugs used today increase rates of cancer and disease, and can have the opposite effect of that proposed by the company selling the drug, and the amount of these studies far outweigh the amount of studies proving the effectiveness or safety of these drugs.

No one has died from cannabis.

Up until about 100 years ago, cannabis was the crop most grown among the entire world. It has been incorporated into our bodies. Look up the Endocannabinoid System. Our bodies have natural cannabinoid receptors, which are, in fact, the most prevalent in the body, that are built to receive a much higher amount of cannabinoids than that which is created in our own bodies. The introduction of the cannabinoids from Cannabis to the body prove to have extremely beneficial and seemingly necessary effects.

Check out every link on the list, most of which provide studies that apply scientific method rather than anecdotal evidence. Look at the Granny Storm Crow's list of studies, full of reputable sources.http://boards.cannabis.com/medicinal...rows-list.html

Also. tests were done on the men to prove that it was in fact the cannabis and not an odd twist of fate that caused these results. They have been replicated multiple times.

I actually have double-blind peer reviewed government studies proving this, they are in the very first post.

Facts are not meant to be believed, they are meant to be examined and proven, based on experiments with repeatable results. This is what the people who have conducted these studies have set out to do.

No man deserves to have to pay for his own life.



Active Member
Also, thanks to everyone for the counter-points. These help to shed light on misinformation, as well as allow for further research and more in-depth explanations. This helps with assuring scientific validity.


Active Member
I said cure-all, because there are different types of cancerous cells, that act differently and are vulnerable to different 'antidotes'. In this case, I am using the word cure-all for cancer correctly. I also use the word cure-all as hyperbole in jest, signifying that I think your assertion that Hemp Oil cures cancer is merely a gimmick such in the same way cure-alls in the 1800's were sold.
Cancer is the reproduction of mutated cells, these mutated cells are targeted by the cannabinoids. Cancer cells operate on the same mechanism.


Active Member

This video illustrates the possibility of nationwide legalization. The increase in revenue only accounts for cannabis sold raw, not industrial hemp or otherwise. 20 billion yearly for recreation alone. There is also the possibility that with an exponentially increased supply, the prices would drop dramatically, meaning that the proposed tax of 50$ an ounce could make little difference when compared to prices today, if the prices do drop.


Active Member

Conversation on capitol hill continues as the deadline for commercial cannabis establishment laws and regulations draws closer.


Well-Known Member
This thread is fairly short-bus worthy. It's full of misinformation, anecdotal evidence, hyperbole, and supposition. See4 has stuck with it longer than any pothead should be expected to.

You are wrong, you did not give a single citation that could be clicked and verified, your "doctor" has cured no more people than that snake oil that See4 referenced above.

Get published, get your handler to get published; until then you sound like a much less articulate version of the sales reps. for pharmaceutical companies. You make unsupported arguments and bullet lists, much like a first year law student would do when trying to prove his case. Making a list that sounds good without citations is crap, Citing videos that cite web pages that refer to studies (still without citation, for peer review) is NOT providing substantial proofs. It's "soft science." Publication in recognized medical journals (for peer review) or independent publishing backed by independently published peer reviews that reproduced the results, using the theory and experiments published as a proof make for a valid argument... "But, I said it's true, and it's on the internet, so it must be true" is NOT a valid scientific argument.

Argue against peer reviewed journals, it's pointless though. Check their funding, it's from researchers NOT pharma. Same with Ivy league (Harvard bing an example of an old guard University actively researching with THC and cancer.)

I have a joke for you, I don't think you'll get it, though ...

A theoretical physicist's method of solving world peace: First, imagine the world as a sphere, in a vacuum...


Active Member
Did you read any of the studies? There are more than 200. Published. Peer-reviewed. There are lists of them is in the first post.
I won't copy and paste the studies, you have to click the link yourself.
This is only a tiny amount of the total amount of studies, which are peer-reviewed as well as cited, provided to you, in the very first post. this only proves that you haven't spent any time researching the subject.


Active Member

Cannabidiol Prevents Prion Accumulation and Protects Neurons against Prion Toxicity
Nonpsychoactive Cannabidiol Prevents Prion Accumulation and Protects Neurons against Prion Toxicity -- Dirikoc et al. 27 (36): 9537 -- Journal of Neuroscience

Cannabidiol May be Effective in Preventing Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)
BBSNews - Marijuana Ingredient May Prevent Mad Cow Disease


Cream with endocannabinoids effective in the treatment of pruritus
BBSNews: Science: Cream with endocannabinoids effective in the treatment of pruritus due to kidney disease

Topical cannabinoid agonists : An effective new possibility for treating chronic pruritus.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Dronabinol in patients with intractable pruritus secondary to cholestatic liver disease.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports


Proven: Cannabis is safe medicine
Proven: Cannabis is safe medicine

Excerpt from the Merck Manual
Excerpt from the Merck Manual

Medical use of cannabinoids does not cause an increase in serious adverse health effects
The adverse effects of cannabinoids: implications for use of medical marijuana -- Degenhardt and Hall 178 (13): 1685 -- Canadian Medical Association Journal

Claims Linking Health Problems And The Strength Of Cannabis May Be Exaggerated
Claims Linking Health Problems And The Strength Of Cannabis May Be Exaggerated


Sativex in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis
Preliminary assessment of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of a cannabis-based medicine (Sativex) in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis -- Blake et al. 45 (1): 50 -- Rheumatology

Sativex produced significant improvements in a subjective measure of spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Sativex in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Sativex in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis associated detrusor overactivity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Sativex showed positive effects in 65 per cent of patients with chronic diseases

Cannabis; adverse effects from an oromucosal spray.

Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine.
Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from therapeutic clinical trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine.

Sativex successfully treats neuropathic pain characterised by allodynia
ScienceDirect - Pain : Sativex successfully treats neuropathic pain characterised by allodynia: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial


Increased cannabinoid receptor density in the posterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
(may need free registration)
Log In Problems

Symptoms of schizotypy precede cannabis use.
UKCIA forum :: Research :: Symptoms of schizotypy precede cannabis use.

Cannabidiol as an antipsychotic
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Anandamide levels in cerebrospinal fluid of first-episode schizophrenic patients
Unbound MEDLINE | Anandamide levels in cerebrospinal fluid of first-episode schizophrenic patients: Impact of cannabis use. Journal article

Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Effects on Psychosis and Cognition
Unbound MEDLINE | An Experimental Study of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Val(158)Met Moderation of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Effects on Psychosis and Cognition. Journal article

Cannabis is a First-Line Treatment for Childhood Mental Disorders
Dr. Tod Mikuriya: Cannabis as a Frontline Treatment for Childhood Mental Disorders

Cannabis does not induce schizophrenia,
Cannabis does not induce schizophrenia, Dutch scientists say

Cannabis use does not cause schizophrenia
Cannabis use does not cause schizophrenia

Cannabinoids and psychosis.
Cannabinoids and psychosis. [Int Rev Neurobiol. 2007] - PubMed Result

Cannabis as a psychotropic medication
Cannabis as a psychotropic medication -- Chaturvedi 185 (1): 78 -- The British Journal of Psychiatry

Study Shows Long Term Marijuana Users Healthy
Erowid Cannabis Vault : Health Effects : Study #3

Cannabis and schizophrenia link blurs further
Cannabis and schizophrenia link blurs further - health - 16 April 2005 - New Scientist

Evidence does not show a strong causal relation between the use of cannabis and psychosocial harm
NLH - Mental Health - Aetiology - Review: current evidence does not show a strong causal relation between the use of cannabis in young people and psychosocial harm

No Increased Schizophrenia Risk With Use Of Cannabis
No Increased Schizophrenia Risk With Use Of Cannabis: The Hempire - [cannabis, legalise]


Sickle Cell Disease and Cannabis
AAMC: Those who suffer from sickle-cell disease experience painful episodes or attacks

Marijuana smoking in young adults with sickle cell

Medical use of cannabis in sickle cell disease
Medical use of cannabis in sickle cell disease - Current medical events - Hemp and Medicine - Benvenuti su [url]www.Chanvre-info.ch! Lo specialista dellla canapa (Cannabis) in Svizzera.[/URL]

Cannabis use in sickle cell disease: a questionnaire study.
Cannabis use in sickle cell disease: a questionnai...[Br J Haematol. 2005] - PubMed Result


Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats. (may need free registration)
Log In Problems

Dronabinol reduces signs and symptoms of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Two cannabis based medicinal extracts for relief of central neuropathic pain
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Functional role for cannabinoids in respiratory stability during sleep
AAMC: Functional role for cannabinoids in respiratory stability during sleep

THC reduces sleep apnoea in animal research

Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine.
Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from therapeutic clinical trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine.

Dronabinol and marijuana in HIV-positive marijuana smokers. Caloric intake, mood, and sleep.
Dronabinol and marijuana in HIV-positive marijuana smokers. Caloric intake, mood, and sleep.

Effect of illicit recreational drugs upon sleep: Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana.
Effect of illicit recreational drugs upon sleep: Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana.


Some go without a cigarette: characteristics of cannabis users who have never smoked tobacco.
Some go without a cigarette: characteristics of cannabis users who have never smoked tobacco.

Marijuana use motives and social anxiety among marijuana-using young adults.
Marijuana use motives and social anxiety among marijuana-using young adults.


The treatment of spasticity with Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Sativex produced significant improvements in a subjective measure of spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Do cannabis-based medicinal extracts have general or specific effects on symptoms in ms?
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Efficacy, safety and tolerability of an oral cannabis extract in the treatment of spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Are oral cannabinoids safe and effective in refractory neuropathic pain?
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Experiences with THC-treatment in children and adolescents
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The treatment of spasticity with D9-THC in patients with spinal cord injury
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of orally and rectally administered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Nabilone in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Treatment of spasticity in spinal cord injury with dronabinol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol shows antispastic and analgesic effects
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effect of cannabinoids on spasticity and ataxia in multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-THC in the treatment of spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effect of Delta-9-THC on EMG Measurements in Human Spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of delta-9-THC on human spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis effect on spasticity in spinal cord injury.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Treatment of human spasticity with delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
` Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Marihuana as a therapeutic agent for muscle spasm or spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The perceived effects of marijuana on spinal cord injured males.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Motor effects of delta 9 THC in cerebellar Lurcher mutant mice.
Unbound MEDLINE | Motor effects of delta 9 THC in cerebellar Lurcher mutant mice. Journal article

Cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis
Unbound MEDLINE | Randomized controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. Journal article

Nabilone significantly reduces spasticity-related pain
Unbound MEDLINE | Low dose treatment with the synthetic cannabinoid Nabilone significantly reduces spasticity-related pain : A double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial. Journal article


The treatment of spasticity with Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Are oral cannabinoids safe and effective in refractory neuropathic pain?
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The treatment of spasticity with D9-THC in patients with spinal cord injury
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-THC as an alternative therapy for overactive bladders in spinal cord injury
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of orally and rectally administered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Treatment of spasticity in spinal cord injury with dronabinol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol shows antispastic and analgesic effects
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of delta-9-THC on human spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis effect on spasticity in spinal cord injury.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Marihuana as a therapeutic agent for muscle spasm or spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The perceived effects of marijuana on spinal cord injured males.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports


Cannabidiol has a cerebroprotective action
Unbound MEDLINE | Delayed treatment with cannabidiol has a cerebroprotective action via a cannabinoid receptor-independent myeloperoxidase-inhibiting mechanism. Journal article

Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction
Unbound MEDLINE | Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction via hypothalamic-independent hypothermia. Journal article

Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis
The Next Hurrah: Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis

US Patent 6630507 - Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants - US Patent 6630507


Cannabis tea revisited: A systematic evaluation
Cannabis tea revisited: a systematic evaluation of...[J Ethnopharmacol. 2007] - PubMed Result

Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh'
Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh': The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

With the use of cannabis tea only a small proportion of THC in the cannabis is ingested
Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin


THC is effective in the treatment of tics in Tourette syndrome
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

THC effective in Tourette-Syndrome
AAMC: THC effective in Tourette-Syndrome

THC effective in Tourette syndrome in a 6-week trial

Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol -- MÜLLER-VAHL et al. 156 (3): 495 -- Am J Psychiatry

THC inhibits primary marker of Alzheimer's disease

THC improves appetite and reverses weight loss in AIDS patients
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome
Unbound MEDLINE | Comparison of orally administered cannabis extract and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in treating patients with cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome: a multicenter, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical

THC effective in appetite and weight loss in severe lung disease (COPD)

The antinociceptive effect of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the arthritic rat
Unbound MEDLINE | The antinociceptive effect of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the arthritic rat involves the CB(2) cannabinoid receptor. Journal article

Synergy between Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine in the arthritic rat
Unbound MEDLINE | Synergy between Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine in the arthritic rat. Journal article

Bronchial effects of aerosolized delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Bronchodilator effect of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol administered by aerosol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Effects of smoked marijuana in experimentally induced asthma.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Marijuana and oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

New Synthetic Delta-9-THC Inhaler Offers Safe, Rapid Delivery
New Synthetic Delta-9-THC Inhaler Offers Safe, Rapid Delivery, Phase I Study

Smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-THC on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects
Acute effects of smoked marijuana and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects

Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer
{Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer Cells through Cdc2 Regulation -- Caffarel et al. 66 (13): 6615 -- Cancer Research

THC and prochlorperazine effective in reducing vomiting in women following breast surgery

{Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Leukemia T Cells
{Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Leukemia T Cells Is Regulated by Translocation of Bad to Mitochondria -- Jia et al. 4 (8): 549 -- Molecular Cancer Research

Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction
Unbound MEDLINE | Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction via hypothalamic-independent hypothermia. Journal article

Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis
The Next Hurrah: Medical marijuana: study shows that THC slows atherosclerosis

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol shows antispastic and analgesic effects
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of delta-9-THC on human spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The treatment of spasticity with D9-THC) in patients with spinal cord injury
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-THC as an alternative therapy for overactive bladders in spinal cord injury
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The effect of orally and rectally administered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The treatment of spasticity with Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Effects on Psychosis and Cognition
Unbound MEDLINE | An Experimental Study of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Val(158)Met Moderation of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Effects on Psychosis and Cognition. Journal article

The effect of orally and rectally administered delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on spasticity
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Marihuana as a therapeutic agent for muscle spasm or spasticity.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Analgesic effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The analgesic properties of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and codeine.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

The perceived effects of smoked cannabis on patients with multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabis use for chronic non-cancer pain
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Tetrahydrocannabinol for treatment of chronic pain
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta-9-THC based monotherapy in fibromyalgia patients
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction
Unbound MEDLINE | Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) prevents cerebral infarction via hypothalamic-independent hypothermia. Journal article

Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol protects hippocampal neurons from excitotoxicity
Unbound MEDLINE | Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol protects hippocampal neurons from excitotoxicity. Journal article

THC effective in intractable nausea in a patient undergoing gastric bypass surgery
BBSNews - Oral THC Eased Gastric Bypass Nausea

Differential Effects of THC or CBD-rich Cannabis Extracts on Working Memory in Rats

Oral vs. Inhaled Cannabinoids for Nausea/Vomiting from Cancer Chemotherapy
Report on New Mexico Cancer/Marijuana Study

Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannibinol as an Antiemetic in Cancer Patients Receiving High-Dose Methotrexate
Inhaled THC Produces Better Blood Levels than THC by Mouth

Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta(9)-THC in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach.
Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach.


Production of THC acid by the biosynthetic enzyme secreted from transgenic Pichia pastoris.
Production of Delta(1)-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid by the biosynthetic enzyme secreted from transgenic Pichia pastoris.


Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk
Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk - NORML

Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic
Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic

Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer
US: Web: Study: Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer

Tobacco and marijuana use on offspring growth from birth through 3 years of age.
The effects of prenatal tobacco and marijuana use ...[Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1992 Nov-Dec] - PubMed Result

Progression from marijuana use to daily smoking and nicotine dependence
Erowid.org: Erowid Reference 6951 : Progression from marijuana use to daily smoking and nicotine dependence in a national sample of U.S. adolescents : Timberlake DS, Haberstick BC, Hopfer CJ, Bricker J, Sakai JT, Lessem JM, Hewitt JK

High anxieties - What the WHO doesn't want you to know about cannabis
High anxieties - What the WHO doesn't want you to know about cannabis - 21 February 1998 - New Scientist

Radioactive tobacco
Radioactive tobacco

Some go without a cigarette: characteristics of cannabis users who have never smoked tobacco.
Some go without a cigarette: characteristics of cannabis users who have never smoked tobacco.

Cannabis use when it's legal
ScienceDirect - Addictive Behaviors : Cannabis use when it's legal

Aluminum in Tobacco and Cannabis and Smoking-Related Disease
ScienceDirect - The American Journal of Medicine : Aluminum in Tobacco and Cannabis and Smoking-Related Disease


A Molecular Basis of Analgesic Tolerance to Cannabinoids
A Molecular Basis of Analgesic Tolerance to Cannabinoids -- Tappe-Theodor et al. 27 (15): 4165 -- Journal of Neuroscience


Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
Treatment of Tourette's Syndrome With Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol -- MÜLLER-VAHL et al. 156 (3): 495 -- Am J Psychiatry

THC is effective in the treatment of tics in Tourette syndrome
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Treatment of Tourette's syndrome with Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Cannabinoids: possible role in patho-physiology and therapy of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

THC effective in Tourette-Syndrome
AAMC: THC effective in Tourette-Syndrome

THC effective in Tourette syndrome in a 6-week trial

Cannabinoids reduce symptoms of Tourette's syndrome.
Cannabinoids reduce symptoms of Tourette's syndrom...[Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2003] - PubMed Result


Vaporization as a smokeless cannabis delivery system
Clinical Studies and Case Reports

Smokeless Cannabis Delivery Device Efficient And Less Toxic
Smokeless Cannabis Delivery Device Efficient And Less Toxic

Volcano is to Vaporizer As Porsche is to Automobile

Recommendation to Patients: "Don’t smoke, Vaporize"

Decreased respiratory symptoms in cannabis users who vaporize.
Decreased respiratory symptoms in cannabis users who vaporize.

Use of vaporizers reduces toxins from cannabis smoke

Marijuana Water Pipe and Vaporizer Study
Marijuana Water Pipe and Vaporizer Study


Cannabis sativa and dystonia secondary to Wilson's disease. (may need free registration)
Log In Problems


Comparison of symptoms during abstinence from cannabis, tobacco, and both substances
http://marijuana.researchtoday.net/archive/4/7/1349.htm .

Excerpt from the Merck Manual
Excerpt from the Merck Manual

Effect of illicit recreational drugs upon sleep: Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana.
Effect of illicit recreational drugs upon sleep: Cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana.

Peace!- Granny

these links are from granny storm crows list, give them a look.
This is only a small fraction of the list she compiled, which is linked to in the first post.


Well-Known Member
Spam Advertising is a sure fire way to get banned. You are a quack. Your links are to bullshit anecdotal findings.

When you post a reference from the New England Journal of Medicine, or Harvard Review, I may start listening, until then, all you have done is provided this forum with useless spam advertising.

In the end. What is your point?


Active Member
his point, have you even clicked any links dude??? he is trying to get people to grow, and show people how good cannabis is for them, if people arent fussy on growing cannabis, and want info on if its good or bad for you, why not come here? you know i honestly hate how people have to kick up a fuss. HE IS NOT SPAMMING. He is just showing you guys usefull info and showing how good cannibis actually is. Maybe some studies are wrong? there has to be a couple right, id honestly say most of them are right. He isnt spamming he is posting valuable info about the plant seriously dude no need to start a ruckus, he isnt advertising for a company or anything is he????? CLICK THE LINKS BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I BET HALF OF YOU HAVE NOT CLICKED 1, ,myself i clicked about half on the first page last night, Some valuable info in there. Man give the guy a fucking break. And whoever posted about money, im not able to afford weed, im starting to grow my own, just because you and fellow dealers lose a couple bucks dont mean everyone else has to stop fucking growing. Make no wonder the cops are wasting so much money in cannabis, because people are so greedy for money.