Everclear laced THC


Active Member
this method takes about 4 to 5 days .... Take a one liter bottle fill it about a quatrer way up with your trimmings(not fan leaves) from your harvest. Then, pour the everclear into the bottle just covering the trimmings. put top on bottle store in dark place giveing it a gentle stir every 6 hours this will help seperate the tricombs from the plant matter. do this for 3 days next open it up useing a cheese cloth to strain the liquid into a bowl squeeze the plant mater in cheese cloth to get most of the liquid out now you are left with a bowl full of everclear laced with THC you could drink shots or set it out in the open air till it evaporates and you will be left with hash oil ...U CAN USE ANYSIZE BOTTLE

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
Umm, that sounds god in theory.. i doubt it would work though.. THC is only released at like 185 F.. if there is no heat, how can it work? that would be like taking a bite outta a nug and getting stoned.


Well-Known Member
THC melts in alchohol.

There are numerous tutorials on making a Green Dragon. Google it up.

You could use bacardi or vodka just as well. The higher the proof the better.


Sector 5 Moderator
The essential oils in any herbs can be leeched out with either water or alcohol. THC is leeched out only with alcohol, the same as vanilla.


Active Member
just try it! make sure if your going to let the alcohol evaporate make sure you pop any bubbles that are in the oil after the alcohol evaporates. those bubbles will contain alittle alcohol and needs to be evaporated


Active Member
if you take the trimmings put in ziplock bag and put them in the freezer for a few hours does speed things up a bit it helps start the sepperating procces


Well-Known Member
no. you'r not trying to knock off the trichomes into the alchohol, you'r trying to dissolve them.

temperatures of around 70°C for around 2 hours and then room temperature is what is usually used.


Active Member
NO WRONG i am not trying to make theTHC dissolve in the alcohol we are leeching the THC u need to hit the books junior


Active Member
Heheheheh tell it how it is

I wanna try this, to bad everclear is to hard for the state of Virginia