Every person who buys seeds online read please

Ram Baba

Active Member
yeah , i used to agree with the others, but if you think about it - the times the feds have seized seeds they obviously came across at least some of the stealth methods that seedbanks use. they just can't stop it all, theres not way. it just happens when they do their random checks, and well... if its not stealthy enough. they got bigger fish to fry.
+ power in numbers. if there are a million pens and walletts going around.... well figure it out. it costs money to check packages. money thats being spent on killing civilians in Iraq


Well-Known Member
Hardly necessary... The world would be such a better place if we all weren't ass holes to one another. I stated my reasoning in a collected friendly manner. I get it, you don't agree with me. Doesn't mean you have to rebuttal by calling me names and talking down to me. I personally feel that stating XXXXXX XX XXXX X XXX isn't what shut down the mid-west and you can't generalize a sweep of seeds like that to a simple forum post. We are two individuals in life that disagree on a topic... It's as simple as that and not a big deal. I hope you didn't take offense to this post too, that wasn't my intentions. Take care.

Probably not, but it sure doesn't help. I know that if my seeds got busted right after someone posted (leaked) how they were shipped, I'd be PISSED OFF!!!

Does anyone know of a trusted 100% safe site to order marijuana seeds and have them shipped to the us discreetly?
Dude, There are NO guarantees 100% in life. (At least none that I have found) ANYTIME we choose to ignore or break a law we have to realize that there could be consequences, and prepare for them accordingly.


Well-Known Member
my previous post was no less worth it than your post displaying some methods of shipment.

there is a strong dislike for blabber mouths here, things are hard enough for the people risking good money to get what they want from across borders. Why say it when you dont have to?

Its just courtesy and your lack causes my lack


New Member
JC people! What a bunch of inconsiderate dumb asses! Do you think they check every package coming into the US? NOT! But they do have the names of some of the seed banks. Now if you ADVERTISE their methods, Leo knows what to look for in shipments from these addresses.
It is NOT an easy thing to come up with fresh shipping methods every few weeks. And Leo does not have to inspect every package to shut them down.
But you are helping them whether you are willing to admit it or not
And, thelastpirate it's nice that you agree, but you requoted his statement in BOLD? ....brilliance...lets just keep compounding this debacle


New Member
Anybody that knows me, knows I do not flame people...check my posts. But this takes the cake One opinionated DA who does not care whether he is right or wrong or how it affects everyone else....


Well-Known Member
Yep your an absolute idiot if you disclose how they were shipped, how do you know it didnt help out the dea. Are you part of them, do you know what they do? No, any little bit of information is helpful for them, and i guess the main problem is you say you are trying to help, in no way do you need to mention how your seeds company secretly shipped your seeds(you know those seeds your so greatful for? Tell the company you ordered them from that you are disclosing their methods, i bet they arent so grateful)
What you are doing is bragging, and its sad you dont realize that.


New Member
if there are a million **** and ******** going around.... well figure it out. it costs money to check packages. money thats being spent on killing civilians in Iraq
yep good logic there...lets save-em some money so they don't have to check as many packages. And why do you think they shipped in a RETAIL item? They are not in the business of giving gifts away. My bet is they had alot of seizure notices that week and had to come up with a new method quick.
There are not a "million **** and ******* going around that they have to check. Now they only have to check the ones coming from the seed banks addresses
You sit there thinkin it's easy, try doing it on a day in and day out basis. YOU are not the only person they sell to. Either respect their methods or go grow something else like tomatoes or something. Anyone who divulges this info on a web site is just hurting the entire ganja community. End Rant


Well-Known Member
JC people! What a bunch of inconsiderate dumb asses! Do you think they check every package coming into the US? NOT! But they do have the names of some of the seed banks. Now if you ADVERTISE their methods, Leo knows what to look for in shipments from these addresses.
It is NOT an easy thing to come up with fresh shipping methods every few weeks. And Leo does not have to inspect every package to shut them down.
But you are helping them whether you are willing to admit it or not
And, thelastpirate it's nice that you agree, but you requoted his statement in BOLD? ....brilliance...lets just keep compounding this debacle

Fuck me!! You're right. All apologies. Can't the Mods delete this stuff? that ought to be in the posting rules.