Every pot smoker must read this! Please!


Well-Known Member
HOw much you wanna bet this shit gets no play in the media....

The more people vote on it though the more media attention it will get. If millions of people voted for it, how could it be put on the back burner for that long? The media wants attention. That is their job.:weed:

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
I was just on thier web-site, signing up, when I came to the part where they wanted my e-mail password. WHY DO THEY WANT MY E-MAIL PASSWORD? Isn't that like giving someone your credit card number? I mean, that would give them full access to my e-mail, right? I don't want my e-mail to be made public to anyone - especially the Feds.

Thank you, but there must be another way!
Fuck that man! I aint givin my PW


Well-Known Member
Also anyone posted this to other grow communities etc?

Just interested as the way it's going looks like we actually may get this question in top 10 or better and more votes means the higher the question will get and if we can get it in top 5 would be great because the higher the question I think the more coverage we will get for this issue.


New Member

Make a new email address what your not going to use, register to that as there is no confirmation email needed when you sign up to vote
this is to funny,....are you guys super stoned....lol....when they ask you for the password....they mean a password to gain membership of their site....lol......you can use any words or numbers.....not your email address password.....lol....


Well-Known Member
this is to funny,....are you guys super stoned....lol....when they ask you for the password....they mean a password to gain membership of their site....lol......you can use any words or numbers.....not your email address password.....lol....

nobody said email address password?

so must be you who is superstoned lol....


New Member
nobody said email address password?

so must be you who is superstoned lol....

here ya go Maryjane...jsut to back myself up....lol

Originally Posted by T.H.Cammo
I was just on thier web-site, signing up, when I came to the part where they wanted my e-mail password. WHY DO THEY WANT MY E-MAIL PASSWORD? Isn't that like giving someone your credit card number? I mean, that would give them full access to my e-mail, right? I don't want my e-mail to be made public to anyone - especially the Feds.

Thank you, but there must be another way!


Well-Known Member
I am in no possible way a brain-washed supporter of the socialist PEBO [President Elect Barack Obama], but i think this is a GREAT idea for him to do. What a great way to find out what people are actually concerned about, and aparently marijuana is the #1 concern of America at the moment.

But i just voted for every Marijuana/Hemp/Decriminalization idea i could find. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
here ya go Maryjane...jsut to back myself up....lol

Originally Posted by T.H.Cammo
I was just on thier web-site, signing up, when I came to the part where they wanted my e-mail password. WHY DO THEY WANT MY E-MAIL PASSWORD? Isn't that like giving someone your credit card number? I mean, that would give them full access to my e-mail, right? I don't want my e-mail to be made public to anyone - especially the Feds.

Thank you, but there must be another way!

You don't ever give anyone your email password. You create a password to go with the user account you are creating for their site and you give your email ADDRESS but not your email password.

You're confused.

Create any password you want


Well-Known Member
I was just on thier web-site, signing up, when I came to the part where they wanted my e-mail password. WHY DO THEY WANT MY E-MAIL PASSWORD? Isn't that like giving someone your credit card number? I mean, that would give them full access to my e-mail, right? I don't want my e-mail to be made public to anyone - especially the Feds.

Thank you, but there must be another way!

Hey there paranoid, they want you to make a password for their site not give them your email PW , rocketscientist.

If you think the feds cant get into your email because you have a password on it , LMFAO at you. ASSHAT!!