Every time I stop smoking


Active Member
Haven't been here in a while but just want to say that every freakin time I stop smoking I cant sleep for shit. I didnt even sleep last night haha it sucked. This has been a long day. Anyone else get this?


Well-Known Member
yeah i can't sleep either...it gets better after a few days but i agree take melatonin. don't take some nyquil or some prescription bullshit


Active Member
Yea I have been taking melatonin but I it didn't work last night, so hopefully tonight it will. And for the dude who jerks it, just, haha!


Well-Known Member
I've read that lower doses yield better results. Some people break their 3mg pills in half. Studies show (I'll look for a link to this) that smaller doses work better.
I dont know, I just do what my body tells me, and low doses did nothing. I take 20mg and Im asleep 30 minutes later. Boom.


Active Member
Yea well of course melatonin is going to affect everyone different, but I have read that if you take higher amounts that it can have adverse effects. Studies have shown that like mg is just as effective as taking like 5 mg.


Well-Known Member
There are capsules and pills, the smaller doses come in pills and the larger come in capsules. The capsules I take have 10mg each and knock me out.


Well-Known Member
i thought falling asleep after quitting weed was hard until i kicked opiates. now that is hard to sleep after. you can try benadryl, thats the same as the active ingredient in tylenol PM and other similar products.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been here in a while but just want to say that every freakin time I stop smoking I cant sleep for shit. I didnt even sleep last night haha it sucked. This has been a long day. Anyone else get this?
.......magic in the herbs, and I'm not speaking of only the medicinal MJ.....google. I have cut WAY down with an assortment of them.


Active Member
I picked them up at a local GNC, they are sublinguals (sp?).
Yea man I haven't smoked for like 5 days and the dreams are already coming. The only real benefit from quitting lol. Speaking of dreams, im sure you guys kno that melatonin is known for inducing crazy, vivid dreams. The first time I ever took it to fall asleep I had the most vivid, surreal dream I have ever had in my life. The dream itself was not that crazy, but when I awoke I was like in shock, and started laughing to myself because I realized I was dreaming. I was in my bathroom and I was practically blind, looking at the light was the only way for me to see a little bit. Sounds strange, it was. I have not had a dream that was that vivid since. Anyone else have any experience with the dreams melatonin offers?

EDIT: Sorry quoted wrong person.Woops