Everybody should watch this!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong.....I love meat.....have to have it every meal...... its more of the hormones, unnatural growth cycle and treatment of the animals that I have a problem with.....not to mention the abuse farmers take from these companies and how scared they are to talk about it......once again support your local agriculture and not you local grocery store culture, FDD.....I know what a carnivore is...LOL.....I just think people should be more aware about what they eat, where it comes from and the bullshit associated, maybe more people will start actually buy what they can from local farmers, supporting them and not evil corporations.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Oh god here we go. Oh noes the why aren't you petting that poor cow and talking baby words before you kill it thread....do you know there is one cow for every 2 people on earth or some shit like that? Food is food man. You don't look into the slave labor behind your nikes or the murder behind your diamonds do you? Nope. Stop fear mongering yourself by watching this. Fuck cows ain't nothin better then a medium rare 24 oz porter house to me. Damn tasty. If nature wanted us to be pussy veagens then it would have given everyone a pair of tits instead of some perfect canine teeth.

If you REALLY have a probelm...beauty of america is you can raise and butcher your own cows, chickens, pigs etc and give them a proper service before you feast. You can even hunt your own food! Weird how people don't realize you can do that....

EDIT: I agree. Buy local. Fuck big corpo. I would be more worried about how the farmers are treated then the animals. Also it wasn't written in an angry tone towards you. Just in general lol. Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
What im sayin is cows eat grass not corn,,, cow livin in thier own shit cause disieses.....what don't you get.....do you enjoy eating animals that are chemically engineed to be full grown in six weeks? I'll pass, I buy my meat from a butcher who feeds the animals what they are supposed to be eating, producing healthy better tasting meat, that wasn't injected with chemicals to make it stay while they transport it for days......Kill the cows and eat em.....I totally game, but make sure that they are being fed properly and that in turn will give you better health....thats all im saying......not tree huggin green peace over here......just sayin be aware of what your eatin!

There is a way to keep the system growin and still have respect for your planet and the plants and animals on it, it just not as profitable to the corporations....profit shouldn't be the bottom line when dealing with food.....there should be regulation on that!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Agreed. I don't buy my meat from my local walmart *shutters at the thought* There is a local organic place that stocks only prime grass fed meats. Ya the chemicals are insane...its bad.

We're eye to eye now :D