Everyone Has Their Own Little Trick. Whats Yours??


Well-Known Member
I use lemon juice for ph down as I saw another on this thread does. You do not kill beneficial microbes in the soil that way.

The main 'trick' I do is use preamended soil. I can give the formula to those that want it. I do not use fertilizer at all just water. So much easier.

I dry the plant with all the leaves on it whole, no chopping. Takes longer and gives a better result for me. Cure is simple, leave it in the jar till it gets wet, open the jar till it gets dry, put it back in. Repeat till it gets to your desired level of moisture. No hygrometer needed.


Well-Known Member
Good info here. Everyone says to learn to read your plants and give them what they need. Can someone go a little deeper on this for me? For example, if my leaves start turning yellow on week 4 of flowering, I think they need more N...where do I get more N? If I'm using FF, should I add more grow big? If I'm using biobizz do I add more bio-grow or top max. Super soil do I top dress. Won't even as about AN. Just wondering and thanks!
Hey Maxman, I said something about the sweet pot being when you learn to read your plants BEFORE it becomes a problem if that's what you're referring to, can't help you with N's and P's, sorry. It was a reference to something you can't read in a book or forum, it comes with years of experience and being able to tune in to your plants, aka read them. I don't use nutes, only the nutes in my soil mix and organic "teas" I think the buzzword of the day is, I just call it feeding them… the old school term for it - lol