Everyone on RIU listen up!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i just read in a thread about a crazy idea that just might work.
feeding pidgeons like mids seeds and them shitting them out and them sprouting.
i wanted 2 tell you guys about this to start a MJ overgrow!
put all your mids seeds if you have them in a birdfeeder outside n see if this might work!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea just next time if you have mids get the seeds and save em overtime like a course of 4 months maybe id have 7000+ seeds of mids


Well-Known Member
ahahhahah dude ahahha this is so funny if someone really wanted to i think they could raise pigeons and then feed them all a bunch of good seeds and milk and cookies and then let them go in the middle of no where so that when they poop it wont just be onto pavement .

I really think this is a good idea the only problem i could think of is that pigeons like to chill out in citys like San francisco and if i fed one of those pigeons 100 seeds i bet 99 of them would splat onto the sidewalk or asphalt or a car or building where it probably wouldnt grow but if we could get the pigeons to shit onto the dirt ground or into empty fields were all good especially if we feed the pigeons seeds before a reainstorm in spring.


Well-Known Member
start a pigeon zoo

Dude if fed a group of pigeons bird seed to get their attention and then when they start swarming and fighting start hitting them with the weed seed like with 7000 seeds to a group of like 10-20 pigeons theyll eat that shit up and be super full and then have to poop sometimes guaranteed

its as easy as 123 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIeBYlrtRFc

^thats just a stupid video of some dude feeding pigeons


Well-Known Member
thats wacked man

i have a few thousand mids seeds. i thought about just riding around and just throwing handfuls of seed on the side of the road. my town would be over run with pot plants

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
haha lolz
we would have to start with like blue jays n shit like outdoor wilderness birls just go out into a field place a feeder there and wallah!


Supposedly doesn't cannabis seeds make birds horny too

I know someone who raises pigeons but I have no seeds DOPE !


Well-Known Member
I think in an urban setting just dropping the seeds around town would be more effective. The wilderness bird idea is good though. If you're going to throw seeds away though then definitely put them in a bird feeder instead.

lol, I dont even know what to say to this... all I can come up with is people still smoke mids?! haha

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea the wilderness idea seems smart the problem would be is to locate the plants if this is planned then after about 3 months of doing this you go check the field up and down and allong the forest wall

purple blues

Active Member
what sly ass mofo came up with the term "mid" anyways? lol they sure do pop up everywhere when the goodies are dry and nowhere to be found. then they try to squeeze you for 40 for 3.5, might as well bend me over. then you go home and break up a nice looking chunk you think looks decent and 15 seeds fall out. lmao