everyone on rollitup

hey this is my second grow. my parents found my last grow and shipped me away about 500 miles to live wit my dad. anyways i just wanted some input on my second grow. here are some pics of my baby. she is about 3 weeks old. is she growing too slow or something? it seems like her and my last grow were growing slow but i donno. any input helps thanks. oh and a bug ate a couple of the leaves and theyre turning yellow. its also droopy wtf? i gave it some miracle grow with the water and i think i gave it too many nutes? help me please:hump:



Well-Known Member
Dont give it any nutes and dont overwater cause those are the two things that inexperienced growers will do the most. How much sun is it getting and what kind of soil are you using? Are you using tap water because it could either have chlorine in it or the pH could be way off. You need to have good pH in order for nutrients to be uptaken.
yeah thats wat i though was probably wrong. i dug a 1x1' hole and put it in some miracle grow potting soil, so the soil is good although it may look bad. it was growing fine until i gave it some nutes in water. it gets direct sunlight all day. shes not thirsty cause shes still growing, just droopy. its like its turning yellow from the bottom up. 4 new sets of leaves this morning though. so i know its not dead its still growing i hope she pulls outta this shock! thanks