everyones favorite nutrient line for bubbleponics


Active Member
ok im about ready to start with my bubbleponics grow and have a easy question.....what kind of nutrients do you guys and girls use for veg/flowering i just cant pick between any of them. I used open sesame for flowering in soil but i want a line of nutrients that has the whole feeding schedule down ya know? If anyone has advice or suggestions i always love hearing em


Active Member
Last grow I used the 3 part but this time i'm trying floranova as well....I just heard you gotta make sure you shake it up real good though


Well-Known Member
ok im about ready to start with my bubbleponics grow and have a easy question.....what kind of nutrients do you guys and girls use for veg/flowering i just cant pick between any of them. I used open sesame for flowering in soil but i want a line of nutrients that has the whole feeding schedule down ya know? If anyone has advice or suggestions i always love hearing em
I use Botanicare pure blend and Liquid Karma for veg and Fox Farm big bloom,Tiger bloom,Bat guano and Cha-Ching


Active Member
i use technaflora recipe for succses if u keep the rez temp cool its great and it has an awsome feed schedule and clear instructions and great results
yea that's wat im thiking of goin with you guys think buying 1 liter of grow, bloom, and boost would do me good with 3 plants in a 20 gallontub with prolly about 10-15 gallons of water in it?
I doing my first DWC and have been using Canna range, Vega + Flores, Cannazym, PK 13/14 and Boost,Is expensive but am blown away by the results.Am on week 8 of flower and reckon im looking at 10oz per 4 foot plant already,gonna run 2 more weeks before flushing


Well-Known Member
It doesn't have to be specific to bubbleponics only hydro in general.

I've had good luck with Grow Aqua easy as hell and ph stays nice easily.
But I've had poor luck with botanicare pure blend pro, the ph is all over the damn place.

Is there something you can add to your water to buffer/ stabilize the ph regardless of nutrient? Not to adjust the ph but to stop it from swinging wildly.


Active Member
It doesn't have to be specific to bubbleponics only hydro in general.

I've had good luck with Grow Aqua easy as hell and ph stays nice easily.
But I've had poor luck with botanicare pure blend pro, the ph is all over the damn place.

Is there something you can add to your water to buffer/ stabilize the ph regardless of nutrient? Not to adjust the ph but to stop it from swinging wildly.
well if your using distilled or RO then there are no buffers naturally in the water the only buffer i know of is citric acid and the ph up/down bought in stores to help but its not a buffer. Ive never used a hydroponic setup yet so i dont know a shit load about it but thats a good ass question that should be answered...


Well-Known Member
I use Botanicare Pro Grow during veg and Pro Bloom during flowering. Along with Cal-Mag.

I use tap water via a water softener and my ppm out of the tap is zero, or at least it doesn't read on my TDS stick. ph is 7.0+ and I use a liquid down.
After adding Pro Bloom, Cal-Mag & some liquid down, my ph is very stable.



Active Member
i use rain water and the ph is pretty good but i do have to check it daily and keep it from get to low or to high and i buy the whole kit fo 45 bucks and i belive it did like 60gals