You have not the slightest clue what you are talking about. Roundup (glyphosate) is NEVER applied to bare soil, it would have ZERO EFFECT. Roundup is uptaken by the leaves, the plant needs to be activly green and growing. You might be thinking about no-till planting where you go into a cropfield with weeds, spray the weeds dead with RUP, then drill your soybeans, corn seed, or whatever. You can plant your seed 5 seconds after spraying with RUP, you could even plant before spraying as long as you get your spraying done before any crop seed has sprouted.
There are many herbicides that ARE "soil active" and applied to the soil where they then get uptaken by roots. But not RUP, it doesn't work that way. Started using it in 1986 when it was super pricy like well over $100 gallon, like 150 Their patent or whatever expired, so other companies started producing it (glyphotate, same as RUP) and price dropped to less than $40/gallon overnight. Used many gallons of the stuff on many many acres.