Everything changes when growing is legal....

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. When I can buy good tasting weed for $100/oz I will gladly quit growing.
Quit growing.... Noooo
A plant or two around is special... I loved dabbing my pot nuggs on those plants that were dripping with resin..
Makes for a fantastic joint.
Grow to continue the fight. We aren't done yet...
Yup there are a few here that need Weed Boarding...
The guy that turned me on to LED and shared my last grow was one of the people I met like this.
When it is legal - 3 months from now here in Canada... I plan on making lots of friends on July first...
I'll be able to proudly show off my ToKin Stone then. No better pot pipe ever.
i don't want to piss in your cheerios, but from everything i'm reading about legalization in canada, you ain't gonna have it as free as you seem to think. no smoking in public, you can get busted for public intoxication, just like if you were drunk, and you're supposed to buy the shit from a legal outlet....which will probably mean pesticide coated crap....so exactly which canada are you living in?
Sorry man, a beer bottleneck is the best pipe.
I made a Stone pass of over 30 yards on a frozen creek. A thing of beauty.
Toke in the shower.
Pass joint easily in the dark.
It makes you look smart......
It isn't just a toke it is a sacred toke.
I could go on and on and most likely will
I live next to a river so I have a healthy resistance to putting rocks in my mouth... I'm sure I'd catch something.
i don't want to piss in your cheerios, but from everything i'm reading about legalization in canada, you ain't gonna have it as free as you seem to think. no smoking in public, you can get busted for public intoxication, just like if you were drunk, and you're supposed to buy the shit from a legal outlet....which will probably mean pesticide coated crap....so exactly which canada are you living in?
We will be working harder on freeing the pot plant. At no time in the past 50 years did I worry about it being illegal. (Maybe just a little)
Celebrating and protesting once a year isn't enough.
Those that restrict our pot freedoms will be doxxed AND pot boarded
Those that continue the fight will be lionized...
u say u don't care about the money,but u grow for money that's what iam talking about both sides of ya stinking pot hole
ahh fair enough. But I also chose to only work on avg 4 hrs a day 4 days a week. If I cared about money id work 8 hrs 5 days a week.
I actually got back into growing and smoking again by circumstance. I found a few seeds. Grew one, had a smoke and enjoyed the whole experience. I have no interest in being a daily smoker, just a smoke every week or 6 or 8 but found that people liked what I grew and my reasonable prices. So turned the small hobby into one that gives me a very small income. I prefer growing to smoking, its a great hobby. But its a hobby with costs if your indoor.

I get why people want it legal and I get why you love your legal laws. But it doesn't mean I want them here. If our laws were as harsh as Americas has been statistically, then yes id want your laws to. I wouldn't want to see mates locked up for a little bit of weed.
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When it comes legal here on July First... The pot connoisseurs will come out of the woodwork.
Different ways of curing and flavoring. We haven't seen nothing yet. Expect to be thrilled by this... Mmmm good.
when it becomes legal there, every freak that's ever wanted to get high but was afraid to will come out of the wood work. housewives, college students, businessmen, grandmas, they'll all come out of the woodwork, and each one of them will have at least 100 annoying questions.
and good luck being able to get into a dispensary, they'll all be packed with the people i mentioned above
when it becomes legal there, every freak that's ever wanted to get high but was afraid to will come out of the wood work. housewives, college students, businessmen, grandmas, they'll all come out of the woodwork, and each one of them will have at least 100 annoying questions.
and good luck being able to get into a dispensary, they'll all be packed with the people i mentioned above
for me legal isn't great because I can go to store an buy.its all about being able to grow an smoke in my home or on my land an no body can say a fuckin thing bout it,i can open the door for popo with a fattie burning in my mouth.LOVING IT!!!
i'm not trying to be a kill joy, i've just followed the legalization thing for a while now, and everywhere it gets legalized has a shit ton of other problems. no one's doing it the same, the rules are not only different from state to state, they're different from county to county, town to town. sometimes they have ridiculously high or low limits because people with no idea about weed make the rules. you have local law enforcement that sometimes doesn't like the rules, or maybe they just don't like you, so you better make damn sure you're within the rules.
i hope it's the hitch free happy day you want it to be. i just doubt it. the thing to do is make sure you know the rules, and if you decide not to follow them, make sure no one is aware of it
i don't want to piss in your cheerios, but from everything i'm reading about legalization in canada, you ain't gonna have it as free as you seem to think. no smoking in public, you can get busted for public intoxication, just like if you were drunk, and you're supposed to buy the shit from a legal outlet....which will probably mean pesticide coated crap....so exactly which canada are you living in?

You can grow 4 plants yourself. You have to just smoke like you did before and not be a douche firing up gaggers walking down the street and I guess if you are so off your tree that you are making an asshat of yourself you can get busted for public intoxication.

The LP thing is what Ontario is trying to do because the tax and spend Liberal party needs the dough. But I do not see why you wouldnt just grow 4 plants and do it right.

I think it is a great thing. Finally it is not a criminal offense to have weed on you. Imagine all of the bullshit charges it will prevent. All of the lives impugned by a stupid charge because an asshole or over zealous officer found the despicable joint smoker.

4 plants can produce enough for anyone. With a 315 CMH I was able to get 12 oz of solid frosty bud and I am an almost newb. That is 3 pounds a year. 3 oz a month is more than enough for me and it made for wonderful treats for my friends that also partake in the most wondrous herb.

Oh I can hardly wait.

But it never really stopped me before now i can just say pound salt sooner to the man !
It helps that i have a script because what can they really do. :D

And I do not care about max limits really. I tend to put 4 oz of frosty bud into 2 or 3 cups of coconut oil in my magical butter machine. I love some edibles that work. Makes the arthritis pain vanish...I have hands? woo hoo.
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when it becomes legal there, every freak that's ever wanted to get high but was afraid to will come out of the wood work. housewives, college students, businessmen, grandmas, they'll all come out of the woodwork, and each one of them will have at least 100 annoying questions.
and good luck being able to get into a dispensary, they'll all be packed with the people i mentioned above
on a side note....imagine all of the wives finally lighting a splif....or husbands..... better than a little blue pill.

Maybe its just me and the missus. But i had to get my son better headphones after she tried a batch from last summer :D
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