Everything I say is a lie - [Sigs] ???


Well-Known Member
Whats the deal with that anyway?

I see so many members with a similar line of text in their sig.

Is there some type of technicality that makes you untouchable if you state that in your post? I don't think so.

Is it just humorous to have a big fat LIE in your sig? I could think of funnier lies.

Do so many people actually think the cops are gonna buy it? Nobody is that stupid.

So tell me, why do so many people have this in their siggy.


Well-Known Member
They believe if you deny, deny, deny you'll be exempt from prosecution. It's hilarious though, because they'll post numerous pics of there grows then have the disclaimer.
Doesn't matter what you say...they have all the proof they need.


Well-Known Member
meh...my thing is that it couldnt hurt...

in all honesty, it probably really doesnt matter either way...seriously, how many people have had their doors kicked in because they posted on here and cops tracked them down through I.P. addresses? (i'd lke to think that cops have better things to do then sit around on computers and bust stoners)...but like i said, it couldnt hurt

the sig may be humorous, but its a tad more humorous that you felt the need to dedicate an entire thread to peoples sigs...


im glad some one made this thread cause i was going to

All you (i dont want to be mean here but i have to to get the point across)
idiots out there with sigs that say, "this is a lie" " for entertainment only"

do you REALLY think that if this website and your posts EVER came up into a court of law that it would REALLY make a difference? seriously? no, it wont make a bit of difference at all...

it makes me sick to see that america doesnt even know its own basic laws

some idiot on craigs list wrote
"WoW account for sale!! blah blah blah blah more useless info level 70 this level 60 that"

at the bottom he put "by reading this you have acknowledged you are in no way affiliated with blizzard"

as if that one TINY little disclaimer, which has no legal value what so ever without an affadavitt i think its called

so that kids little thing he wrote at the bottom is some how supposed to null and void blizzards accredited contract that he HAD to agree to just to play the game?

no it does not

just like you agree to follow all the laws in america by living here... writing some stupid thing in your signature does NOT null and void laws about growing, or possesing

have a nice day and stop making yourselves look stupid


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter what you say...they have all the proof they need.
ehh...there's no PROOF that you took the picture...there's no PROOF that its actually yours...theres no PROOF of anything from RIU alone...

theyd still have to have the POP (plants on property) when raiding, your computer (if thats where you post from), and your RIU account (which would be the least of their concerns if they had the first two)...

posting your grow opp if your outside of your country/states cultivation laws is beyond me...but as previously stated, i doubt theres seriously enough people to count on 1 hand that have ever had their doors kicked in because what they posted on RIU


Well-Known Member
i'd be happy to replace my quote if any of you can supply me with the snazzy "prop 215 grower" sig

but seriously, why are you so upset over other peoples sigs?...smoke a bowl and relax


ehh...there's no PROOF that you took the picture...there's no PROOF that its actually yours...theres no PROOF of anything from RIU alone...

theyd still have to have the POP (plants on property) when raiding, your computer (if thats where you post from), and your RIU account (which would be the least of their concerns if they had the first two)...

posting your grow opp if your outside of your country/states cultivation laws is beyond me...but as previously stated, i doubt theres seriously enough people to count on 1 hand that have ever had their doors kicked in because what they posted on RIU
the only proof they would need is to take the picture, and try and figure out which room it was in, if they can match the room, or the yard, to the picture, its over

but you are correct about who the hell gets busted cause of RIU


New Member
I always thought people did it just for the sole purpose of being funny and trendy on this site. I used to see those sigs all the time... not so much anymore. You must be seriously naive if you think it would save you in any way...

It's kinda a little fad in a way . like omgz look at my clever version of a disclaimer sig .


Well-Known Member
do you REALLY think that if this website and your posts EVER came up into a court of law that it would REALLY make a difference? seriously? no, it wont make a bit of difference at all...
the real question is...do you REALLY think this website would ever come up in the court of law to EVER prove something that investigators couldnt prove already...for the sake of redundancy: unless youre being watched (in which case, RIU is the least of your worries) while you post, theres no way to PROVE who the poster was, unless police get a warrant on your house to enter (at which point RIU is the least of your worries) and find the plants you posted (while they were watching you of course), theres no PROOF

if you want to talk RIU and court possibilities, you have to fully recognize how small of a shot a lawyer will have on pinning all their evidence on your fucking RIU profile...without other SOLID evidence, RIU is smoke in the wind (pun intended) in the court of law

some idiot on craigs list wrote
"WoW account for sale!! blah blah blah blah more useless info level 70 this level 60 that"

at the bottom he put "by reading this you have acknowledged you are in no way affiliated with blizzard"
ummm...soo the point of the story is you were looking to buy WoW characters on craigslist?

have a nice day and stop making yourselves look stupid
indeed & ditto


FunkdocKT Esq.

everyone is cooler than funk doctor because his sig is stupid
yeah...but at least im not a snitch....hahhahahahhha


New Member
lol ^ this guy is the only person with a disclaimer sig that I've seen since like I first joined.... You must feel safe now........

I've said it before and I'll say it again, although cops can be dicks, they really have better things to do than surf internet forums lookin to bust people... They'd rather fly around in helicopters looking for grows.