everything you need to know about a hermie genetics with cloning


Well-Known Member
didnt see a thread for this and had a question.

id like to know the answers for a genetic hermie and a stressed into hermie.

if i cut a all female branch off a hermie plant and cloned it, could it or would it be a female or a hermie?:?


Well-Known Member
Good question, answer more than likely is what caused your plant to hermie? In years of growing it usually is my fault, growing outside, a night light to bright or close, light leaks, overly stressed plant, etc. If it is growers fault then as long as you have a good grow you should be fine, although you won't know for sure until you figure out what caused it to hermie, trail and error.


Well-Known Member
didnt see a thread for this and had a question.

id like to know the answers for a genetic hermie and a stressed into hermie.

if i cut a all female branch off a hermie plant and cloned it, could it or would it be a female or a hermie?:?
i saw a plant that is almost all female had two claws on it though. the claws didnt look male or female. the claws appeared right where it was topped around node 10 behind calyx's because the plant was getting a little two tall. i assumed this plant was a hermie but is now starting to show female characteristics in one claw but the other claw still kinda looks like a male pre-flower. still a little early to tell if its a hermie or female. anyways this plant was cloned from the bottom of the plant a few times before sexed and some of the clones are showing all female. i was almost sure the mother was a hermie. the pistals on it were coming out of what looked to be like a swollen node and not a calyx at all. the only thing that looks like a possible calyx one of the pre-flowers i thought were early signs of male. the mother only has two nodes out of all of them that look male and they are near the top nodes. not sure if the is genetically a hermie or stressed some how. started with 3 plants, two were completely males that are now dead and this is the last original one.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
LOL ill tell you in a few weeks? I think my hermie was a stressed out one, and i cloned it before it went hermie. Ive LSTed the shit out of it and its flowering now, will know in 3 weeks if it will hermie on me.



Well-Known Member
LOL ill tell you in a few weeks? I think my hermie was a stressed out one, and i cloned it before it went hermie. Ive LSTed the shit out of it and its flowering now, will know in 3 weeks if it will hermie on me.

sounds like were in the same boat bud.

took clones 9 days ago and a few that hit soil 6 days ago.


Well-Known Member
There used to be a dude around all the time, think his name was Trousers. But he said the only true hermie is a plant that shows both sexes. Anything else (nanners,balls) on a female plant were due to stress. Don't remember his sources, but it seemed pretty accurate.

except maybe nanners in late flower. More of a chance of survival than stress?