Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

Good news on the research planned in AZ, hope they get papers published soon and here's to finding a cure.

Infused coconut oil sounds great, how long do you cook it before straining out the plant material? Using a metal coffee filter? The different styles of extraction all wind up the same place, hopefully in a safe product that helps someone. I just made some tincture from ice water hash and am trying out different dosage amounts. https://www.rollitup.org/colorado-patients/644927-making-tincture-medshed-2013-recipe.html
I take 2 grams bud,crumble it up,put it in a pyrex plate I have,and bake in the oven at 270 for half an hr. I place it low in the oven so the flames don't burn it. I then run it through the grinder. I use the grinder upside down so I get all the goodies in the batch. I put this into a stainless steel bowl, and add 1 1/2 oz virgen organic coco oil and put it in the crock pot on high with a little water. I found that if I put the cover over this that I maintain 170 degrees. I let that cook for a couple of hrs. Let it cool. I don't strain it, I just tip the bowl and use a medicine dropper to suck out the clear stuff. I plan to use the left overs to make brownies or something else. I pretty much end up with a little over an oz of medicine. That's about 75 doses for the amount she uses. The article I read was really into browning the herb in the oven and when infusing it heating it even more. I found that this made it taste quite strong and 'nutty' tasting. I elected not to heat to that degree.
I am using two medicine dropper bottles, so I can keep the majority of it in the fridge. Putting it into warm water will thaw it out to liquid, which is around 78 degrees.Better living through science. lol
ps. I know I wasn't going to go into detail, but upon waking I realize we need to share our successes with each other.
Nice wolfhound...With coconut oil it takes a little longer for the thrics to dissolve into solution, putting it into a crock pot or something similar and letting it warm overnight will result in a stronger product. Also if you have a ricer you can squeeze out every drop of solution left in the actual material. I press and strain mine but thats a preference thing. I say anyway you can get it in your system is the way for me! Good Luck
Nice wolfhound...With coconut oil it takes a little longer for the thrics to dissolve into solution, putting it into a crock pot or something similar and letting it warm overnight will result in a stronger product. Also if you have a ricer you can squeeze out every drop of solution left in the actual material. I press and strain mine but thats a preference thing. I say anyway you can get it in your system is the way for me! Good Luck

I just finished a new batch. I tried some of your suggestions,I let it stay in the crockpot for atleast 24 hrs. I also found a single serve coffee press, to press out the coco oil. I poured off what I could with out the slurry at the bottom.
I strained it through a gold coffee filter and paper too.The first bottle was light amber color, like wheat beer. The last bottle was almost all slurry. I'm not sure if this (slurry)is the 'Kind' or the result of pressing the oil out. It is amber colored and stays separate from the coco oil. I suppose I should try it, but I have been making this for another patient and don't really like consuming cannabis. If it is the diluted out trichomes I ended up with 1/4 of the amount I batched.
Dosage has been difficult for me with RSO. If I take a 'normal' dose, a glob from the syringe, it kicks in after a few hours and at 9 hours is pretty intense. The effects are mostly gone by 12-13 hours, but it leaves a bit of a fuzzy headed 'hangover'. Sometimes the effects are a little less, but it is surprising how long it lasts. The tincture made with glycerine and bubble hash is much weaker, but starts working sooner and lasts only a short time. I'll try to figure out an amount of oil that works best, got some high CBD strains coming up soon, then work out a ratio of coconut oil. With the coco oil diluting the RSO it should be easier to get more accurate doses into capsules.
I just finished a new batch. I tried some of your suggestions,I let it stay in the crockpot for atleast 24 hrs. I also found a single serve coffee press, to press out the coco oil. I poured off what I could with out the slurry at the bottom.
I strained it through a gold coffee filter and paper too.The first bottle was light amber color, like wheat beer. The last bottle was almost all slurry. I'm not sure if this (slurry)is the 'Kind' or the result of pressing the oil out. It is amber colored and stays separate from the coco oil. I suppose I should try it, but I have been making this for another patient and don't really like consuming cannabis. If it is the diluted out trichomes I ended up with 1/4 of the amount I batched.

Thought I'd throw this out there again concerning the 'slurry'. I'm pretty much doing the same process, but this separation of the oil and slurry is kind of a problem. It has a funny taste, not very paletable, but I am affraid to drain it off if it has some of the tric's in solution in it. This last batch I didn't stir, but that didn't make any difference. I am wondering if it is from the red hair on the bud.
Last time I put it into the fridge, and separated it that way, but it seems the end result wasn't as strong. ?
I may have figured out what is going on. I have been cooking it longer, On one batch I ended up with more oil than I started with. I think the condensation is dripping into the pot. Next batch I will cover, and see if that is what happened.
Planning to add soy lecithin and coconut oil to the next batch, and load capsules. The lecithin will help to keep them mixed. Going to calculate 100mg per dose based on weight of the oil per cap and 50% THC content, so 200mg of oil per cap. Also, have some Meltdown, high CBD from 303 seeds, nearing harvest, to use for making oil. Will be using a counter top still to recycle the Everclear on the next run. Getting this dialed in.
I take 2 grams bud,crumble it up,put it in a pyrex plate I have,and bake in the oven at 270 for half an hr. I place it low in the oven so the flames don't burn it. I then run it through the grinder. I use the grinder upside down so I get all the goodies in the batch. I put this into a stainless steel bowl, and add 1 1/2 oz virgen organic coco oil and put it in the crock pot on high with a little water. I found that if I put the cover over this that I maintain 170 degrees. I let that cook for a couple of hrs. Let it cool. I don't strain it, I just tip the bowl and use a medicine dropper to suck out the clear stuff. I pretty much end up with a little over an oz of medicine. That's about 75 doses for the amount she uses.

I'm not criticizing or saying you are doing anything wrong but I am mystified by some of what I've read. I'm like many people searching for a med doctors do not seem to have.

I tried 1/2 oz weed that had been baked 30 minutes at 275. The 1/2 oz was added to 1 cup oil and heated at 290 for 4 hours. This works out to 2gr bud per oz of oil. I let cool for an hour so it would be a little easier to handle. During that hour all the plant solids settled to the bottom of the jar and remained there when the oil was poured off. The hours it takes for oil to drip through a paper filter is enough to make this process prohibitive. I had no benchmark or reference point for dose other what I have read. I see many baked goods using 1/2 cup oil in 12 servings. This is where I started. 4 oz of oil infused with 8gr bud to yield 12 muffins. I tried one which produced nothing. Tried using the wife for a guinea pig but that didn't work well either. One bite and she dumped them in the trash.
I have tried this same bud to oil ratio of 2gr per ounce ingesting only the oil at 1/3 oz for a dose. Again nothing! Zip Zero Nada. I may as well have had a glass of crappy tap water and saved some wasted time.

Nothing I have tried seems to come out with the color other people get.
I strained it through a gold coffee filter and paper too.The first bottle was light amber color, like wheat beer.

All I get is very dark green close to black. Not positive but it may taste as bad as it looks.
Sounds overcooked to me, decarb numbers I worked from say 20 minutes at 250F, but recently seeing more people use 212F for 90 minutes. This thread was started more for making the oil from the buds, most commonly called Rick Simpson Oil, not the cooking oil that is made by soaking buds in veg oil to make an infused oil. For an infused oil, if you are going to use it for cooking, I would think the decarb process would happen during the baking of the product that you are making. Also, decarb does take place naturally over time, so it is good to know what you are starting with as far as how far along the buds are already. Start with good buds, properly dried and cured. Here is a link to a website with tons of good info for cooking related procedures.
Geo xx wish I could help more. I am still trying to work out a reliable method. Also how much to dose with, how to deal with 'it's not working anymore'...sometimes you don't feel it, next day you do...!? Over all it seems to help with general well being but is not a bright flash of I AM CURED! Many anxiety symptoms are so layered and complex it's a wonder some people can function at all. peace
Hi there, After reading through the 6 pages of responses on this I'm very interested to know if you have found Wernards method more medicinally beneficial than the other methods discussed here.

(also do you know how to send a pm on this website?)
This thread.....is just a mess of mis info lol..

I think you have to have like 25 posts before you can pm...I could be completely wrong though
So bho... Then tincture, Or vape for medicinal properties ? Either way you want to get as much thc and cbd as possible with the least amount of other stuff.
I see plenty of shitty green/dark extractions floating about here now.

Well like they say, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".