Evidence of time

We're 3rd dimensional entities, only able to perceive one moment a time.

I think it's 4th-10th dimensional creatures that can perceive and access flowing time.

And numbers, clocks, calendars, etc. are only manmade inventions for keeping in tune with the position of the sun. Nothing more as far as I see.
We're 3rd dimensional entities, only able to perceive one moment a time.

I think it's 4th-10th dimensional creatures that can perceive and access flowing time.

And numbers, clocks, calendars, etc. are only manmade inventions for keeping in tune with the position of the sun. Nothing more as far as I see.
So tell me, have you been to the 4-10th dimensions? I believe I was close to Dimension #9 once on Peyote.
So GK ... If I understand you correctly, today (now) is yesterday's tomorrow. Is that about it?

Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek ephēmeros lasting a day, daily, from epi- + hēmera day
Date:1576 1 : lasting one day only <an ephemeral fever
2 : lasting a very short time <ephemeral pleasures

i had to look it up :)

Alternate use, as in art.

A stage play is ephemeral art, (lasting only a short TIME till it is over).
I had a dog for 10 years and then he died.
A couple years later, I got another dog. But he acts like my first dog.
I never believed in reincarnation, but now I'm not so sure.

So what does reincarnation do to time? Did he really come back? Is this his second "TIME" around?
You never had a dog. The dog had you. Me? I'm owned by a cat.

The true meaning of pet "ownership" becomes a reality once the realization occures that you're just the cook. :blsmoke:

It's all metaphor. All of it proposed from what we can perceive from the 1st-3rd dimension.

But it does sort of make you wonder if there are entities that can actually cross over into our dimension, and what sort of, possibly, limitless abilities they could have compared to us.
Didn't Einstein also say he was sure there are at LEAST 11 diminsions? I have heard people make that claim, but I never saw it written as fact.
This is all bogus gobblygook, Conjecture in its most finite form. We must master the third dimension before we can move on. The next dimension is pure love, a very hard concept, I know, but necessary to move on.