

Well-Known Member
Well my buddys dad brought back some new clones from Colorado... Master Kush and Afghan Dream- anyone familiar with either of them???

Heres the nasty part- He brings them over and we set them on the floor in "The Room"- his mom put 2 in one pot!!! OMG- and I thought she was pro...
So as Im tryin to dig this little fucker out, Im starting to see little bugs flyin around... I know I didnt have ANY bugs b4 so I know that this is gonna get goofy... I get the clone out and all is okay with that- I start pokin my finger around in the soil and WHOOSH now Ive got 80 fuckin flys zippin around- theyre comin out of the soil and shit- If I dig like an inch deep theres little larvae squirmin around and shit too-

Its Infested!!!! someone please give me an answer for what I should do- Seeing those little worm things in there sorta made me sick to my stomach- it just looks nasty... What can I put in the soil to rid these critters???


well.. definitly out of that soil... i would personally be running to the closest garden shoppe to get some type of pest control.


Well-Known Member
I'd say new soil, and try to get rid of any gnats that might have infested your grow. Better to start fresh rather than start with soil+dead gnats and larvae+pesticide. Too much crap in there for my tastes.


Well-Known Member
so try to get them out of that soil?? oh my god... please tell me somethin more than that-


Well-Known Member
so try to get them out of that soil?? oh my god... please tell me somethin more than that-
.... and plant them? I don't know what else to tell ya man. I mean if you want you can buy a pesticide to go and get rid of them, but IMHO I'd move them


Well-Known Member
ya switch soils for sure, or you could take an electric fly swatter and go to town on the little flying fucks! lol


Well-Known Member

I dont see how I would be able to get those little bitches out of their soil w/out damaging the roots severely.... and remove soil from the roots?? is that even possible??


Well-Known Member
could you not just cut the plant and dip it in some root hormone shizzle and grow it again in new soil??


Well-Known Member
Ewww that's nasty! Ironic because about 3 hours ago i went into my garage to get a piece of 2x4 and got swarmed by hundreds of tiny flies. I left the main door open for a while so they could escape, but they don't really want to leave so now i get to play exterminator!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah- I get to play exterminator on mine too-

I just dont want to exterminate my little girls because I like girls- especially when they are still little.....


Well-Known Member

I dont see how I would be able to get those little bitches out of their soil w/out damaging the roots severely.... and remove soil from the roots?? is that even possible??

I have removed all soil from a plant full of roots. (2 plants actually)
It took about two days but they recovered fine and are flower right now.


Well-Known Member
ya its not a huge deal if you dont get rid of all the soil just get rid of all the little fuckers still attached to the root ball