Examples of GOP Leadership

fucking crazy bitch...who the fuck elects these psychos?


GOP candidate to appear in court after debate
131,108 views Jul 7, 2022 GOP Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley is facing charges for his role in the January 6 Capitol attack. CNN affiliate WOOD TV political reporter Rick Albin has the details.

GOP candidate to appear in court after debate
131,108 views Jul 7, 2022 GOP Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley is facing charges for his role in the January 6 Capitol attack. CNN affiliate WOOD TV political reporter Rick Albin has the details.
the fact that a cocksucker like this can run and have a chance to win makes me fucking sick...how did we let people get this fucking stupid? what the fuck were we teaching kids in school? did they change the curriculum the day i graduated?
the fact that a cocksucker like this can run and have a chance to win makes me fucking sick...how did we let people get this fucking stupid? what the fuck were we teaching kids in school? did they change the curriculum the day i graduated?
Maybe the lead in the water of Flint was just the tip of the iceberg? This could be the result of mass chemically induced stupidity.
Hawley just gave away the game plan: make life so bad in red states that Democrats move to blue states, giving Republican voters a higher representation in Congress and more influence on the electoral college. They want to gerrymander on a national scale.
well then, it's time to start campaigning to get rid of the electoral college...HARD...it was a way to get fucking slave owners to go along with ANYTHING in the first place...and now the descendants of the same horrible fucking people want to use it to fuck over everyone who isn't them.
well then, it's time to start campaigning to get rid of the electoral college...HARD...it was a way to get fucking slave owners to go along with ANYTHING in the first place...and now the descendants of the same horrible fucking people want to use it to fuck over everyone who isn't them.
The 11 states not named MA and VA would not have voted to approve the constitution without the weighted representation of the Electoral College. MA and VA agreed because they had the lion's share of the debt incurred in fighting the British and that debt was nationalized. At the time, most of the small states were not large slave holders.

There were lots of fights about slavery. But it was more to do with taxation and congressional representation.
The 11 states not named MA and VA would not have voted to approve the constitution without the weighted representation of the Electoral College. MA and VA agreed because they had the lion's share of the debt incurred in fighting the British and that debt was nationalized. At the time, most of the small states were not large slave holders.

There were lots of fights about slavery. But it was more to do with taxation and congressional representation.
it's time to do away with it, and count individual votes...voters rights are so fucking important to the republicans, lets make sure every individual vote counts, directly, with no chance of democrats stealing them...a straight up count, one person, one vote, the one with the most votes at the end of the day wins, period, no arguments.
it's time to do away with it, and count individual votes...voters rights are so fucking important to the republicans, lets make sure every individual vote counts, directly, with no chance of democrats stealing them...a straight up count, one person, one vote, the one with the most votes at the end of the day wins, period, no arguments.
This and a viable multiparty system requiring coalition politics in Congress.
And yet it is the elderly and middle aged who are the republicans biggest fans, it doesn't matter if voting for them fucks them on everything from social security to the price of drugs. Its not much different for anybody who votes for them, except billionaires. Young people with student loans or who want an education, fuck themselves by voting republican, even those looking for trades jobs. Women and brown people who vote for republicans fuck themselves most of all, as would any minority, including LBGTQ folks.

When most people really ask themselves, "what's in it for me"? By voting for republicans they come up pretty short, if they are halfway honest with themselves. Most have ulterior and malicious motives that have little to do with their own self interests or even the country's, prime suckers for any con artist. When presented with the truth, most will switch the channel to get the bullshit they prefer and even the most transparent lie, that a child wouldn't believe, is something to desperately cling to, like a drowning man does a straw.