Examples of GOP Leadership

Liberal Redneck - Liz Cheney and the New GOP
27,332 views Aug 17, 2022 Liz Cheney got absolutely whooped in her primary, as many expected. Doesn't make the implications any less terrifying though.
i wouldn't vote for her...she's better than the other republicans, but that's like saying this leech is better than that leech...they're all still blood sucking parasites.
she could be the same kind of spoiler for the democrats that trump will be for the republicans, siphoning off important independent votes...i don't want her to run...

See GOP's 'Just Comply' Lie Shredded: Trump And Aides Defy FBI As Accountability Looms
55,545 views Aug 17, 2022 MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on how attacks on the FBI search of Trump's home reveal a deeper double standard. MAGA leaders continue resisting lawful probes and subpoenas while lecturing other suspects to “just comply." Melber reports on faux outrage over the lawful search of Trump’s Mar-A-Lago and a record that reveals deeper problems in US policing. This an excerpt of the MSNBC special report, which also reports on police force used against Breonna Taylor and Walter Scott.
i wouldn't vote for her...she's better than the other republicans, but that's like saying this leech is better than that leech...they're all still blood sucking parasites.
she could be the same kind of spoiler for the democrats that trump will be for the republicans, siphoning off important independent votes...i don't want her to run...
she would likely split the republican party and almost guarantee a democrat win...i hope she runs
she would likely split the republican party and almost guarantee a democrat win...i hope she runs
The republicans need to lose for a few election cycles and the democrats need to pass laws to help them clean the vomit off themselves and wipe the shit off their asses if they are gonna stick around and sit at the seat of power. The terrorist/racist wing has gotta go, but if ya took the hate out of them there wouldn't be anything left. I think they might be poisoned beyond recovery and a new conservative party will arise, power abhors a vacuum. However conservatism as an ideology seems to be a dead end, both in economic and political terms. In a decade or two robots will be doing much more work and we will be able to afford the slack time. If wealth inequality continues to grow there will be a real issue as compared to the way things are now, which is bad enough. The main problem with conservatives is they support for tax cuts for the super rich and not much else. In America there is no conservative party, there is a fascist authoritarian party and a liberal democratic party that supports the constitution.

Texas Paul REACTS to Liz Cheney primary defeat… and it’s NOT what you’d expect!
8,857 views Aug 17, 2022 Liz Cheney was defeated in her Congressional Primary Election on Tuesday night. While many pro-democracy Americans were saddened by her loss, Texas Paul presents a unique take on what this all means for the Democratic Party and American democracy as we head into the 2022 midterm elections.
she would likely split the republican party and almost guarantee a democrat win...i hope she runs
i don't see most republicans voting for her...i'm sure some of them admire her, but they have to feel like a minority, and are they going to throw their vote away making a statement? i'd rather trump and someone else viable ran for the republicans, and split the base between them, not a long shot who will appeal to independents, which could potentially hurt democrats.
i don't see most republicans voting for her...i'm sure some of them admire her, but they have to feel like a minority, and are they going to throw their vote away making a statement? i'd rather trump and someone else viable ran for the republicans, and split the base between them, not a long shot who will appeal to independents, which could potentially hurt democrats.
she would never win the republican nomination. I don't think most republicans would vote for her either. we only need a small %. The voters that might vote for her as an independent would be 99% republicans that like her, are rejecting trump. This would draw off a number of republican votes and weaken their chances. Most independents are trending democrat right now. The democrats would be smart to fund her as an independent in 2024. Most of her votes would come from republicans.
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she would never win the republican nomination. I don't think most republicans would vote for her either. we only need a small %. The voters that might vote for her as an independent would be 99% republicans that like her, are rejecting trump. This would draw off a number of republican votes and weaken their chances. Most independents are trending democrat right now. The democrats would be smart to fund her as an independent in 2024. Most of her votes would come from republicans.
maybe, my math doesn't work out the same as yours, but i'm not a mathematician...so maybe you're right, guess we'll find out if she decides to try to fuck trump over...because she has to know there is ZERO chance she'll get elected, all she could hope for is a distant third, and it's up in the air who she would hurt worse...
maybe, my math doesn't work out the same as yours, but i'm not a mathematician...so maybe you're right, guess we'll find out if she decides to try to fuck trump over...because she has to know there is ZERO chance she'll get elected, all she could hope for is a distant third, and it's up in the air who she would hurt worse...
The lies Cheney lived with and spread are coming back to bite her, when she stood up for the truth and decided to go down swinging. She saw the writing on the wall and knows it might be sometime before the republicans see power again, if at all, if they blow it in these midterms. Mitch and the party establishment will take care of her, but the logical place for her to go is on say Foxnews or even CNN, as the voice of the right. She has no political base, there is no conservative party, democrats won't vote for her and republicans are too stupid, most of what are left of them are enthralled to Trump.

I figure her best move would be to take a job on CNN and position herself for some future run. Wait and see what happens to the post Trump republican party, Trump drove all the good people out and brought in a lot of morons. He poisoned the base and destroyed the reputation of the party for generations of younger voters. Mitch and the rest of the republican establishment are riding the tiger of their own creation and if they fall off, the beast will consume them, like it did with Liz.
The left never brazenly challenged and threatened the FBI like the right is, it's kinda like the local militia of gravy seals picking a fight with the US marines.

If the democrats win in November, they will give the FBI the tools to quickly put an end to this bullshit and make it a bad memory. More importantly perhaps it has turned the FBI, national security and military communities against the right and they are purging their organizations of these assholes. Right wing extremists and propagandists are gonna end up like the commies did in the 50's, on the wrong side of the DOJ, FBI and even IRS

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The lies Cheney lived with and spread are coming back to bite her, when she stood up for the truth and decided to go down swinging. She saw the writing on the wall and knows it might be sometime before the republicans see power again, if at all, if they blow it in these midterms. Mitch and the party establishment will take care of her, but the logical place for her to go is on say Foxnews or even CNN, as the voice of the right. She has no political base, there is no conservative party, democrats won't vote for her and republicans are too stupid, most of what are left of them are enthralled to Trump.

I figure her best move would be to take a job on CNN and position herself for some future run. Wait and see what happens to the post Trump republican party, Trump drove all the good people out and brought in a lot of morons. He poisoned the base and destroyed the reputation of the party for generations of younger voters. Mitch and the rest of the republican establishment are riding the tiger of their own creation and if they fall off, the beast will consume them, like it did with Liz.
she can go on CNN after she finishes her self proclaimed mission to keep trump out of the white house.
Texas school district removes 41 books from shelves, including Diary of Anne Frank and Bible
A Texas school district has ordered over 40 books to be pulled from library shelves before students return to classes this fall.

Keller Independent School District officials are removing all books that were challenged last year from schools, a list that includes all versions of the Bible and a graphic novel of Anne Frank’s “The Diary of a Young Girl.”

The Texas Tribune was the first to report the school district’s decision this week.

“Attached is a list of all books that were challenged last year. By the end of today, I need all books pulled from the library and classrooms. Please collect these books and store them in a location. (book room, office, etc.),” said Jennifer Price, executive director of Keller ISD’s curriculum and instruction, in an email to district principals, according to the Tribune.

The email contained a list of 41 books to be taken off library shelves.

Last year an unprecedented number of attempts to ban books took place across the country. In 2021, there were 1,597 books challenged, the highest the organization has seen since it began tracking library, school and university material challenges. Most of the works that have been targeted are about Black or LGBTQ+ people.

Several of the books named in Price’s email were some of last year’s most challenged titles, including the book “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” by Maia Kobabe and “The Bluest Eye,” by Toni Morrison.

The Keller Independent School District’s website keeps a list of all books that parents or community members have issued a complaint about. District officials have posted a decision on what to do with each book on the list as well.

For example, next to the Bible, the district notes that the complaint against the book was dropped by a parent last December and that “The Bluest Eye” will remain in its current location.

But due to a new rule rolled out last week, all 41 books were removed from shelves.

“Keller ISD’s Board of Trustees approved policies EFA (Local) and EFB (Local) at its August 8, 2022, Special Meeting. These policies relate to the acquisition and review of instructional materials and library books. Right now, Keller ISD’s administration is asking our campus staff and librarians to review books that were challenged last year to determine if they meet the requirements of the new policy,” Keller ISD said in a statement.

“All of the books included in Tuesday’s email have been included on Keller ISD’s Book Challenge list over the past year. Books that meet the new guidelines will be returned to the libraries as soon as it is confirmed they comply with the new policy.”

Book burning time.

McConnell Casts Doubt On Republicans Gaining Senate Control
36,295 views Aug 18, 2022 Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., cast doubt on Republicans gaining control of the Senate, citing concerns over "candidate quality" in the statewide elections. NBC's Sahil Kapur reports from Capitol Hill.
Maybe there is a god....