Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
The democrats want to end republican gerrymandering.

They could easily do that right now but they refuse to because they use it just as much.

It's like the 15 dollar minimum wage: it was all lip service. They dropped it because the Parliamentarian said to? Seriously? And you believe that?

They told the Parliamentarian to do that to shoot it down because once again democrats profit from slave wages as much as Republicans do.

It's all politics. Democrats have no vested interest in ending gerrymandering. They're just using it as a hot button to get people to vote for them, just like the whole bogus living wage campaign.
How could 'they' easily end gerrymandering right now?


Well-Known Member
I am far from a fan of any politician but to say both sides are the same is bullshit, the GQP want to end democracy and install Stinky and his family as their royalty to rule us.
I never said both sides are the same, but they both use the same tactics from time to time.

The parliamentarian is an advisor. They have no vote or say in the matter, yet democrats used that to remove the 15 dollar minimum wage from the covid relief bill.


Because they never really wanted to pass it.

The SCOTUS has already ruled just last year that gerrymandering to get a political advantage is not in keeping with democracy or the constitution.

That gives Biden a green light to issue an executive order banning gerrymandering.

So why doesn't he?

Because democrats have no interest in getting rid of gerrymandering.

That's what I'm pointing out. They have complete power to do both yet refuse to do so. It's because they profit from both just as much as republicans do.


Well-Known Member
I never said both sides are the same, but they both use the same tactics from time to time.

The parliamentarian is an advisor. They have no vote or say in the matter, yet democrats used that to remove the 15 dollar minimum wage from the covid relief bill.


Because they never really wanted to pass it.

The SCOTUS has already ruled just last year that gerrymandering to get a political advantage is not in keeping with democracy or the constitution.

That gives Biden a green light to issue an executive order banning gerrymandering.

So why doesn't he?

Because democrats have no interest in getting rid of gerrymandering.

That's what I'm pointing out. They have complete power to do both yet refuse to do so. It's because they profit from both just as much as republicans do.

http://proximityone.com/cd.htmScreen Shot 2021-05-17 at 11.02.55 AM.png
https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/gerrymandering/data/oldbrowser.pngScreen Shot 2021-05-17 at 11.01.32 AM.png

It is interesting about Biden though.

Hopefully he pulls that off when the Republicans end their obstruction on the voting rights bill and it loses in the senate. Completing the last 20-70 year scam that the Republican party is currently imploding from pulling on the American public.

It will be very nice to have 2 parties firmly planted in reality that is drawing from the understanding of 100% of our nation.


Well-Known Member
Took it over from a republican?

Both sides do it when they have the power. Most try for +5%, but that has backfired on the GOP. Some "safe" seats were flipped in 2018. (although some of those have flipped back in 2020)


Well-Known Member
Nope. The last time Maryland's 3rd district had a republican was 1927.

It was redrawn to its current ridiculous state in 2000 to insure it would stay democratic for the foreseeable future.
I guess the rolled eyes did not give the idea that I wasn't serious. Yes Democrats have used it also. On getting rid of it, they have enough fights to win at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I guess the rolled eyes did not give the idea that I wasn't serious. Yes Democrats have used it also. On getting rid of it, they have enough fights to win at the moment.
I believe Elections Canada draws the riding boundaries in Canada. Maybe they could use Elections USA to do the same and even run their elections or at least provide oversight. The states seem to be doing a pretty shitty job of redistricting and running elections, judging by the recent spate of new voting restrictions the states have come up with. The Arizona ballot fiasco is a case in point, they obviously need adult supervision.


Well-Known Member
I guess the rolled eyes did not give the idea that I wasn't serious. Yes Democrats have used it also. On getting rid of it, they have enough fights to win at the moment.
Its like a bully crying in the principles office with the little kid he was beating up pulling the 'he hit me too' card.


Well-Known Member
I guess the rolled eyes did not give the idea that I wasn't serious. Yes Democrats have used it also. On getting rid of it, they have enough fights to win at the moment.
Again, it's not a fight at all. Biden could do it with a simple stroke of a pen. He refuses to do so, just like the 15 dollar minimum wage. Democrats and republicans both don't want either of those to happen.

The filibuster is the third. Why do you think democrats haven't gotten rid of it? Because they resort to it just as much as republicans do, so it will never happen no matter how many people are screaming for it.

You also have to remember that a lot of the screaming and outrage is staged. It's just like "Wrestling" where they act like they hate each other and want to kill each other but then go out after the "show" is over and have dinner together.


Well-Known Member
Again, it's not a fight at all. Biden could do it with a simple stroke of a pen. He refuses to do so, just like the 15 dollar minimum wage. Democrats and republicans both don't want either of those to happen.

The filibuster is the third. Why do you think democrats haven't gotten rid of it? Because they resort to it just as much as republicans do, so it will never happen no matter how many people are screaming for it.

You also have to remember that a lot of the screaming and outrage is staged. It's just like "Wrestling" where they act like they hate each other and want to kill each other but then go out after the "show" is over and have dinner together.
Both sides trolling is bullshit.

This shit is not in a vacuum and it is not absolute.

What 90% of the Democrats in the Senate support something, and can't get it passed, while 100% of the Republicans are against anything and everything Democrats try to get passed.

That 10% is not Democrats 'just as' anything with respect to the Republican.

And as for the screaming to have been staged, maybe, maybe you can make that argument in the 90's. Maybe too the Bush years, so I will go to late 2000's.

But now shit is different.

Both sides trolling died Jan 6th.



Well-Known Member
I believe Elections Canada draws the riding boundaries in Canada. Maybe they could use Elections USA to do the same and even run their elections or at least provide oversight. The states seem to be doing a pretty shitty job of redistricting and running elections, judging by the recent spate of new voting restrictions the states have come up with. The Arizona ballot fiasco is a case in point, they obviously need adult supervision.
Each province sets up its own commission on drawing lines. The map of Canadian riding's is quite boring to look at, mostly one chunk of real estate. Not too many peninsulas off into other blocks, a big file though.



Well-Known Member
Again, it's not a fight at all. Biden could do it with a simple stroke of a pen. He refuses to do so, just like the 15 dollar minimum wage. Democrats and republicans both don't want either of those to happen.

The filibuster is the third. Why do you think democrats haven't gotten rid of it? Because they resort to it just as much as republicans do, so it will never happen no matter how many people are screaming for it.

You also have to remember that a lot of the screaming and outrage is staged. It's just like "Wrestling" where they act like they hate each other and want to kill each other but then go out after the "show" is over and have dinner together.
Is it as simple as a pen stroke? From what I have gathered elections are in the States collection of powers rather than Federal. If Biden does legislate it without the House and Senate passing it, it will surely go to the Supreme Court and you know the makeup of it now.


Well-Known Member
Is it as simple as a pen stroke? From what I have gathered elections are in the States collection of powers rather than Federal. If Biden does legislate it without the House and Senate passing it, it will surely go to the Supreme Court and you know the makeup of it now.
Unless it violates the constitution, which the SCOTUS has already ruled it does.

Do try and keep up.


Well-Known Member
Unless it violates the constitution, which the SCOTUS has already ruled it does.

Do try and keep up.
You are the one saying he can just stroke a pen and make it so. I have been keeping up, I asked a question I already knew the answer to. Seems you agree with me.


Well-Known Member
You are the one saying he can just stroke a pen and make it so.
He can. If you knew anything at all about how the United States Government works, OR if you had bothered to read what I've already posted, you'd know that.

But you being you that's not possible.

Let me review this for you one more time:

The SCOTUS has already ruled just last year that gerrymandering to get a political advantage is not in keeping with democracy or the constitution.

That gives Biden a green light to issue an executive order banning gerrymandering.
It really is just that simple. Biden could, WITH THE STROKE OF A PEN, issue an executive order making gerrymandering illegal as it violates the constitutional provisions of the 15th amendment.

That would be that. It would eventually run into another showdown in the Supreme Court where the SCOTUS would no doubt rule as it just did making gerrymandering a thing of the past.

It's just that simple. But as I said before he has no interest in doing that because democrats use gerrymandering just as much as republicans do.

Now read that about 10 times and see if any of it sinks in.


Well-Known Member
He can. If you knew anything at all about how the United States Government works, OR if you had bothered to read what I've already posted, you'd know that.

But you being you that's not possible.

Let me review this for you one more time:

It really is just that simple. Biden could, WITH THE STROKE OF A PEN, issue an executive order making gerrymandering illegal as it violates the constitutional provisions of the 15th amendment.

That would be that. It would eventually run into another showdown in the Supreme Court where the SCOTUS would no doubt rule as it just did making gerrymandering a thing of the past.

It's just that simple. But as I said before he has no interest in doing that because democrats use gerrymandering just as much as republicans do.

Now read that about 10 times and see if any of it sinks in.
Biden can sign anything. But it will go the SCOTUS where it will get shot down by the Republican henchmen (and woman). If the SCOTUS already rulled that Gerrymandering was illegal then the DOJ can go after the politicians and there is no need for Biden to sign anything.


Well-Known Member
Biden can sign anything. But it will go the SCOTUS where it will get shot down by the Republican henchmen (and woman).
Wrong. They were the ones that made the ruling in December. Do try to keep up.

If the SCOTUS already rulled that Gerrymandering was illegal then the DOJ can go after the politicians and there is no need for Biden to sign anything.
You really need to stop posting about American politics as you clearly are completely ignorant as to how our government works. There is no crime. The DOJ has nothing to do with the judicial branch.

Let me dumb this down to a level you can hopefully understand: When the court hears a case about gerrymandering like it did last year, it considers the merits of the case. The case in question had to do with North Carolina and how they had gerrymandered so badly that it disenfranchised many voters.

That led the court to rule that what they had done was unconstitutional. Nobody "broke the law" or "committed a crime". The districts were drawn under state rules, the problem was that the state by making those rules had violated the constitutional rights of some of its citizens.

That's why North Carolina had to redraw the districts in question for more equitable distribution of voters.

I await your next completely uninformed, moronic post on the American government with bated breath.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. They were the ones that made the ruling in December. Do try to keep up.

You really need to stop posting about American politics as you clearly are completely ignorant as to how our government works. There is no crime. The DOJ has nothing to do with the judicial branch.

Let me dumb this down to a level you can hopefully understand: When the court hears a case about gerrymandering like it did last year, it considers the merits of the case. The case in question had to do with North Carolina and how they had gerrymandered so badly that it disenfranchised many voters.

That led the court to rule that what they had done was unconstitutional. Nobody "broke the law" or "committed a crime". The districts were drawn under state rules, the problem was that the state by making those rules had violated the constitutional rights of some of its citizens.

That's why North Carolina had to redraw the districts in question for more equitable distribution of voters.

I await your next completely uninformed, moronic post on the American government with bated breath.
Im not sure SCOTUS said what you are saying it did. If I am wrong I am sure you will answer someone else's post with some troll added in about how stupid people are to think that what you are saying has anything to do with it, so I look forward to that.

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 4.53.20 PM.png


Well-Known Member
How could 'they' easily end gerrymandering right now?
lol at the assertion that "it would be easy" but the Constitution does allow Congress to refuse to seat a state's delegation if it engages in eggregious partisan gerrymandering.

How Congress can stop gerrymandering: Deny seats to states that do it.

Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court last year in Rucho v. Common Cause, acknowledged that drawing districts to assure a party’s advantage was “incompatible with democratic principles,” but he concluded that the practice presented “political questions beyond the reach of the federal courts.”

They’re not beyond the reach of the House of Representatives, though. The most direct path to resolving the perpetual challenge of gerrymandering lies with the House. Quite simply, it can refuse to seat a state delegation achieved through excessive gerrymandering. It has that power. And it can use it to create a process that would prevent hyperpartisanship in setting congressional district lines.


Well-Known Member
lol at the assertion that "it would be easy" but the Constitution does allow Congress to refuse to seat a state's delegation if it engages in eggregious partisan gerrymandering.

How Congress can stop gerrymandering: Deny seats to states that do it.

Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court last year in Rucho v. Common Cause, acknowledged that drawing districts to assure a party’s advantage was “incompatible with democratic principles,” but he concluded that the practice presented “political questions beyond the reach of the federal courts.”

They’re not beyond the reach of the House of Representatives, though. The most direct path to resolving the perpetual challenge of gerrymandering lies with the House. Quite simply, it can refuse to seat a state delegation achieved through excessive gerrymandering. It has that power. And it can use it to create a process that would prevent hyperpartisanship in setting congressional district lines.
That would be hilarious. 2022 really is so damn important for the Democrats to win back the house and hopefully gain in the senate too.

Can you imagine the garbage hearings the Republicans would do. I bet they would also impeach Biden/Harris to troll them leading up to 2024 elections.