Examples of GOP Leadership

i'm having trouble with the trumpanese shorthand...Mitch stupid $'s!.....?is that just his idea of comicstrip swearing, or is he upset that mcconnell passed a budget bill instead of playing with the economic health of the nation for petty revenge against imagined sleights?
or did he just have ANOTHER stroke, and is actually trying to articulate something about mcconnell's money being possessive and stupid?
does it really matter either way?...Loser says....that^
I think it means that Mitch (that disloyal prick) diverted campaign funds to actual campaigns. I could be wrong.

House+Senate = Congress

Count me in on his third-party shitty-excuse ‘campaign’, I absolutely want to SEE that shit in motion!

OF COURSE they believe it’ll work if they do it…they’ve been huffing each others’ farts FAR too long to think clearly, tho: what it would accomplish would be to split “the conservative base” into pieces too small to win - and real hostility between the shards.


That’s what happened to the Whigs, BTW: they deteriorated to the point where they could not even field a single national candidate for any office…and that was the end of them. The rest went to various spots, but a good few went to the new Republican Party when it formed.

Post-post script: that all seems inevitable to me, I’ve been tracking it for a while…but it just occurred to me that this will mean a general political and social realignment in the country. The Dems have been overstuffed with renegade Reds since Shrub, it is and has been a brake on forward motion on most fronts, just as McConnell’s dog-in-manger routine has been & continues to be a brake on forward motion…and just as the incoming agents of chaos will be as much of a brake and a distraction as they can possibly make themselves become.

Life requires motion - the alternative is to slide backward, out of control - or rot/rust in place. We’ve had 500 years’ worth of that sort of gutless choice as a nation, and it’s only helped those who needed no help; if we’re going to have a more livable society, an actual civil society, we need to adapt to what we know *now*, not to what we thought then.

it’ll likely take 100 years or more to complete the upgrades…and billionaires should not be invited to bid or bet - and ‘one dollar, one vote’ must never become the operating principle behind our decision-making, either nationally or locally. Yes, money has been slowly corrupting our legislative priorities and products since ‘reconstruction’…but ‘one dollar, one vote’ is a pretty popular point of view with those who’ve been bankrolling all of this (all those individual patsy ‘donors’ didn’t pay to set up Citizens United, or fund the ‘Federalist’(sic) Society, Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, or bus participants to the Jan6 hoedown) and so it must be kept watch for.

EEP! Doing that thing again….
I am quite curious how you figure on 500 years. Iirc that was when Cortez did to the Aztecs what Muskrat was hoping he could do to the blue bird. The next century was fairly discontinuous.
Republicans are corrupt traitors and admitted as much with this move, what did you expect, light and truth, honesty and integrity?
Only a fool would vote for republicans and America is full of fools, however the foolishness seems based on geography and not on logic or common sense which would lead to a more random distribution of stupidity.

Republicans are corrupt traitors and admitted as much with this move, what did you expect, light and truth, honesty and integrity?
Only a fool would vote for republicans and America is full of fools, however the foolishness seems based on geography and not on logic or common sense which would lead to a more random distribution of stupidity.

The thing that will be a save is that real republicans will run 2024. Both Cheney and Kinzinger could leverage the J6 as adults in the room. If mini-me announces, the fight in Florida will be on.

It's under wraps because you know why and what would happen- no need to tip your hand early.
The thing that will be a save is that real republicans will run 2024. Both Cheney and Kinzinger could leverage the J6 as adults in the room. If mini-me announces, the fight in Florida will be on.

It's under wraps because you know why and what would happen- no need to tip your hand early.
i don't live in either of their districts...but if either or both moved to more moderate districts and ran independent against trumpist candidates, they could probably win...further complicating the life of the fascist party... :)
From Hope Hicks.

"We all look like domestic terrorists now.”

Wasn't that the game you were playing?
So are we supposed to think it is a 'oh no, look what he did, it is so out of line, and he made us look look like we attacked our nation'.

Or a 'He bumbled it, and now we won't rise to become the oppressive dictatorship that we envisioned, he made us look like petty domestic terrorists' kind of vibe?

And that 'I know I am in tears' friend Hicks was texting replied with was also because they failed (because Trump failed at everything except exposing every last con that the right wing fascists have been pushing on our gullible, which face it is us all with the sophistication of this attack on us) to keep them in power.

All their hard work to bring about a American Reich spoiled because Trump is a obvious troll and couldn't keep his mouth shut.

And hired worthless pieces of shits who couldn't keep their drunk ass mouths shut as they committed 'arguably treason'.
Got me drank poured ( Jameson / mango ) and some sweet smoke :joint:

View attachment 5243780
Do I understand this correctly and you mixed Jameson’s Irish whiskey with mango juice?

Santos ain't Donald, there seems to be no magic force field around him. Joe would extradite the fucker in a heartbeat! :lol:

Santos ain't Donald, there seems to be no magic force field around him. Joe would extradite the fucker in a heartbeat! :lol:

be interesting to see how he does as a freshman in the house from a jail cell in Brazil.