Examples of GOP Leadership

Why didn’t they mimic the “ Fat Elvis ‘ vibe ?

The fat fuck probably never held a guitar much less ever sat on a motorcycle.

Anyhoot … here is one of those priceless NFTs .. not sure what it’s supposed to represent ( Pajama Trump ? ) ( Speed Diaper ? )


I decided thanks to a cone of GDP :bigjoint: and myApple Pencil - I created the RARE version.

“ Priceless :mrgreen:


Hayes: All the ways Republicans are trying to make America ‘terrible’ again

23,710 views Apr 21, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #abortion
An all out anti-abortion push in the courts, anti-democracy efforts in state houses, and asking children to replace adults in the workforce. They're all examples of how Republicans are putting the entire nation in a time machine in 'total regression'. Chris Hayes has more live from Miami on the GOP putting the country in reverse.
Why didn’t they mimic the “ Fat Elvis ‘ vibe ?

The fat fuck probably never held a guitar much less ever sat on a motorcycle.

Anyhoot … here is one of those priceless NFTs .. not sure what it’s supposed to represent ( Pajama Trump ? ) ( Speed Diaper ? )

View attachment 5283854

I decided thanks to a cone of GDP :bigjoint: and myApple Pencil - I created the RARE version.

“ Priceless :mrgreen:

View attachment 5283855
Levitating Trump. Superhero?
Republicans hard at work :wall::finger:


The law, which dates to 1931, targets “any man or woman, not being married to each other, who lewdly and lasciviously associates and cohabits together”.

It is rarely enforced but violations carry a penalty of up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine.Senate Bill 56, which seeks to repeal the law, attracted support from all state senate Democrats and half of Republicans. But nine Republicans voted against.

Senate Bill 56, which seeks to repeal the law, attracted support from all state senate Democrats and half of Republicans. But nine Republicans voted against.

Edward McBroom, a Republican, spoke in opposition to the bill on the senate floor – for, he said, the sake of the “common good”.


He said: “This law was not passed to be mean … it was passed for the betterment of society, particularly for children.”

McBroom argued that unmarried cohabitation does not promote marriage, and that such arrangements lead to broken homes that hurt children.

Another Republican state senator against repealing the antiquated law said his reasons for doing so were tax-related.

Thomas Albert said: “I very easily would be a yes on this bill if the tax structure continued to encourage marriage.”

According to federal law, an individual may not claim someone such as their domestic partner as a dependent, if their state outlaws the nature of their relationship. Only one other state – Mississippi – has a similar law regarding unmarried couples.

In Michigan, for the first time in four decades, Democrats control the legislature and the governor’s mansion.

Referencing that new landscape, a Democratic state senator, Erika Geiss, tweeted:Between this and the anti-abortion laws that are now repealed in Michigan, 1931 was quite the year in Michigan when its legislature was composed of solely men.

“But this legislature in 2023, composed of mostly women, is fixing that shit.

The bill now moves to the statehouse.
Donald is the man, the republican nominee, so far, he has yet to deal with Jack though and might not come out the other side in very good shape. Fuck his fans, they are not that large a number, even with all their advantages they can't win with 35%. I hope he wins the nomination and runs from his cell, there should be plenty in prison with him by then. The Big house vs the Whitehouse, elect Trump and commit national suicide after murdering your own children, it would be the same as drinking the Kool-Aid at Jonestown. Besides, he might be in a NY or Georgia prison after he is released as president from a federal one, he could govern from a cell at Sing sing. Imagine the leverage a state that held President Donald would have? They could get 10s of billions in federal money, just for letting him have a TV in his cell, or even a blanket! A warm cheeseburger could mean NASA moving to NY! :lol:

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Top Republican lawyer tells donors conservatives should work to limit voting on college campuses
I always thought that patriots encouraged voting by citizens and would do whatever they can to help enfranchise their fellow citizens. If that is the case, then what is trying to deny your fellow citizens their lawful vote? It should be a crime to conspire to do this shit, much less do it, they are in a conspiracy, it looks and smells like one to me, they are criminals at least and something else too. To fix America, you must fix this shit and make it a crime to try and disenfranchise your fellow citizens or concoct any other scheme to limit voting access or rights with a 5-year mandatory minimum sentence in federal prison. Mandatory sentences work as a deterrent with suits and these kind of assholes with a plan.